Sellings Forum Ideas, Cheap Cheap πŸ’°

I can offer the same deals at half the price! Goblin ingenuity saves the day!

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Oh, i can offer same deals for 10x the price, for those who want to buy expensive stuff!

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:wine_glass: :face_with_monocle:

I am good at doing BS threads

Right now I think I would be happy to pay all my golds for a funny thread :slight_smile:

I’m offering a bundle deal on not one, not two, but three! explosive threads at a very competetive rate. No previous customer has ever complained. I assure you they’ll be hilarious!

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Ah yes another proof that Vulpera are just furry Goblins.

How many thread ideas can I sign you up for? And do you have any preference on what type?

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