Highly in need of fury warriors!
Add Murlin on discord if you wish to hear anything!
Highly in need of fury warriors!
Add Murlin on discord if you wish to hear anything!
In high need of these fury warriors!
And Merry Xmas everyone
There is paid transfer out there.
The server is populated around 1500-2000 peak.
Meaning this is the true vanilla experience you will meet.
Ppl know each other, guilds co-op and more!
Late-night farming alone
Need these warriors!!
Need warriors apparently they are rare
Bring us up please!
Need warriors!
We could also use some healers
We are missing like 4-5 healers for our 2nd grp to be 100% complete!
4 furry warriors
3 holy paladins
1 mage
1 Rogue
2 resto druids
Still recruiting, any questions - Feel free to join our server or discord to ask!
Still recruiting last players!
Do not fear, Judgement is a healthy and good vanilla experienced server!
More ppl!
Need for 2nd grp of mc
We only raid Max 2 hours a week atm.
At progress it Will might take little longer
We still searching last members.
Some for our progress raids, and social raids
We need some more players for our team!
Still searching !
We need 1 hunter for our progress team
We could use that hunter! asap
Great guild, recommend joining us on this server and this guild
Need 1 rogue! for our progression team!
Still searching players for our community!!
Murlin#5807 On discord! And ask for more
Still searching!