SFK RDF TP doesn't work - Love is in the air

All rare holiday items (such as The Horseman’s Reins) will have a chance of being found in holiday-themed loot troves which will drop once for each player in the party […]

Edit: I assume the guy in charge of events was recently fired as well

Yea can confirm SFK rdf poped up and i couldn’t port inside. Also the queue reward is empty.

It works just like last year. The only difference is that you can find a group via RDF without a teleport to the dungeon, which even is a disadvantage, because many people with a summon ID will join and leech.

Can you confirm that it works the same as last year? Did the mount drop in a run?

There is no bag etc. The pet dropped as group loot from the boss. Looks as if nothing changed. Can’t confirm something I didn’t see, though. But pets are inside the bag on retail, so it’d be weird if the mount was currently unavailable and not dropping as group loot from the boss as well.
I’d wait until tonight for them to hopefully fix it. I was hoping for increased loot chance as on retail (for your first LFD love event bag) or at least for them to keep the increased drop chance from last year.
Today in the afternoon there will be LFD groups with each participant already having his personal quest done and you can disband right away :smiley:

We’re investigating a bug affecting the Random Dungeon Finder version of The Crown Chemical Co. Holiday Dungeon, and we have disabled the ability to queue into it for now.

While we have that function disabled, players should be able walk into Shadowfang Keep to defeat the apothecaries.

queue Is not even disabled? - I just tried to see if still work, but yeah you can’t even tp there, have to run there.

“We’re investigating a bug affecting the random dungeon finder”
Surely it is supposed to be multiple bugs?

  • Dungeon Teleports not working.
  • Queue rewards missing.
  • We have the pre-RDF event that has daily quests requiring 5 kills per dungeon instead of one, with possibility of people scamming you.
  • The disabled queue is not disabled.

Edit: Queues have now been disabled.


hello, any updates? it’s been almost 24 hours since this is not working… Thanks!


Come on guys… Deleteing it from LFG Tool is NOT a FIX!!!

People were leveling alts in order to try to get personal bags like toys, mount, pet…
Barely any of these drop, if they do people that care about these lose over and over again, pushing them to GDKP this stuff and you and your inability to fix it encourages bots and people to buy gold to get the mount that’s only for 2 weeks and it’s bugged.

Good job Blizzard, fix it!!!

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Are there even any plans to fix it?

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Still not working,
blizzard please fix it

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The only downside atm is you having to form a group and actually run there, you can still get pets and mount from the boss itself.


thanks for justifying and protecting Blizzard’s laziness and enabling them, they didn’t have problem to intrude this system for both Coren and Headless Horseman but Valentine’s Event is a problem.

GG dude, hope Blizz pays you well :*

PLEASE fix this and add the event items to a daily bag (like HH event). The special event items, and especially the mount items, are rare, and group wide leading to things like selling, boosting, ninja’ing and scamming. Put the mount/pet/toy/transmog in an event bag, once per day per character, and fix the RDF tp ASAP please!

Since this is a yearly event, fix this sooner rather than later so people can get their attempts in. Thank you.

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You could at least make a temporary fix by simply adding a TP Dalaran → Shadowfang.
The major problem currently is not that the LFG isn’t working, it’s that we (alliance players) have to walk the whole Azeroth to get there.

I don’t think add a simple TP take more than 1 hour of work.

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they are busy with sod

Putting reward into box won’t make you get it faster either. We got guild and friends party yesterday with rotation of 7 people and around 25 alts. 3 pets dropped.

Any update please?

Still no TP and no reward bag. Running there and trying to form a group with random guys that dont care about the collectables but needing them anyway is frustrating. For sure there won´t by any additional days of the event as a way to appologize to players for not having the event ready when it should.


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