Shadowlands dead on arrival?

Playing out of meta always add new problems becouse you have to adapt strategi. And there is nothing wrong about it. Thata why i ignore it.

Good question would be. Wht are you in raid if a you want it blast trought it as fast as possible. Definitly not for fun i guess.

the main problem with it that these people that are playing incorrectly think that they are better than everyone else. which sort of causes a toxic environment, but if you are in a guild that generally considers themselves casual then its a bit more difficult to justify removing people, and again its not a decision thats down to me.

i already pointed out that i raid with the group because i have a group of friends there, its just frustrating that there is a small group of people that play poorly while at the same time thinking they are better than others, thats what the main issue is, but again its not really the point,

removing peoples ability to change should they feel the need to is still just incorrect, this is a game that since its release in 2004 has given you the opportunity to change all but a few very small things about your character and its performance, you have always been able to make adjustments to talents and gear and all that kind of things and its a game that actively builds itself around adjusting to the situation you are in be it ST or AoE so the dev team just arbitrarily deciding to not allow you to do that and not giving a nearly good enough reason for it is the main problem. and thats why people think that this expansion might be DoA

Whats point of having talents and PvP traits when you swap them before evry boss, before evry arena game you play, because some idiot said talent X is meta, or talent Y is mandatory, respecing for evrything is tiresome and big detter at least for me, people shoud learn to play with pros and cons of their choices and play around them, not to be “perfect” for evry given situation, respecing kills entire purpose of traits and talents

If you ask me respecing shoud be aviable, but expensive and time consuming, this will force people to use brain, instead of playing exclusivly those mongoloid meta specs.


They dont think they are better and they play differently not incorectly.

you clearly havnt spoken to these people, we have conversations about different things and they are always completely unwilling to even accept that anything other than the way that they play is correct, very arrogant about things,

so its kind of difficult to claim you know something like this when you clearly have no idea about who these people are or how they handle themselves in any situation

Exept questing isnt the only way to level, you have dungeons and Blizzard are considering making Torghast a new way to level up. And before you go with “i said content not leveling zone”, how do you imagine leveling trough dungeons is going to be ? Go into the venthyr dungeon and get venthyr ability randomly and lose it after the dungeons is completed ? How do you believe this wont lead to confusion.

But it is exactly like the other systems. Its just all of them at once. You have your artefact ability, you have your essences-soulbinds and you have your relics-conduits, you even have your AP grind (Anima power), it just way more restrictive than azerite armor. I get it you really want to be optimistic but this is not the hill to die on, if you want RP choices demand real RP choices, demand branching dialogue choices, demand hybrid covenants like drust or san’layn. This system is a good way to alianate a good portion of the player base because Blizzard have decided to try and brake the “meta” and change player mentality. In the interview Ion even said that covenants are not sub-classes.

Oooh using buzz words like “millenials” now are we ? Ok Mr 1948 pls tell me why do you want to turn WoW into a single player game ? Is it for “casuals” ? Are we going to hide behind that shield again ? Will you even atempt to complete a dungeon next expansion ?


Yeah the way i adapt to someone doing 20k less dps than he/she is supposed to is kicking them out of the group, for when it comes to a guild raid and someone is doing that it usually means that “adapting to strategy” means everyone else needs to pull his/her weight, very smart Elias you never fail to disapoint.

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Yeah and what if he using defensive ability instead so he out off pressure from healers while rest of dmg put extra weight on their shoulders. Have you ever think about that game is more about than dps?

Covenants will be like Corruptions with the current player power imbalance.

They’ll be a train wreck, but people won’t be able to look away.
Balancing issues won’t cause players to turn away, lack of content and boredom will. Although Covenants have issues, being boring is not one of them.

There is no way SL will be dead on arrival.
Huge issues? yes. Lots of complaints? absolutely. But not dead.

True it isnt all about dps. However if one defensive talent comes at the cost of 20k dps you shouldnt be using it, and true there is an argument for people stacking %vers for really high keys in order to survive them but overall the game is not and cannot be designed around deffensives, because it creates a world where you 100% need the necrolord shield for example in order to survive the encounters. Also arent these stressing the healers arguments mostly made from a min-maxers ?

Yes you should. if you want to use it you should be using it specialy if it will make game more fun you.

this is why they should allow us the choice though. i want to make use of the different abilities in torghast and such so that i can have more fun, and the ability to min max my character and get the most out of it is what i find fun in this game.

with the system as it currently is on beta that is something im told im not allowed to do, so im essentially being told im not allowed to have fun.

Totally. /10char

Because the game is an RPG and having choices and customization is cool in RPG games.

Because not all feedback is good, they already said they’ll make switching covenants easy if things don’t go well.

To say that making Covenants not freely swappable is not going to harm the casual player but only the min/maxer is weirdly ignoring the entire experience that was BfA. Being told I will make it nowhere because Arcane (my main) is a useless spec, to be told that I should bother with corruptions and PvP for essences just so that I can have the best of the best - when all I want to do is try out BfA endgame and them hop back out, to be told I’m not allowed to be happy with my very first Corruption weapon because it’s all wrong… I’m the most casual player you will ever meet, and yet I’m constantly getting hammered to push, push, push, push, it’s a different matter from “only the elite will really suffer”. To feel like I walked into an HC dungeon completely naked because I lack a full necklace is what it is.

If it’s a “me” problem, fair. But then don’t push the narrative that it’ll harm the crème de la crème only.

To say additionally that making Covenants grindable over a long period of time to re-obtain/change is not casual friendly, it’s the exact opposite. I can want to do all Covenant content on one character. There’s different questlines and cosmetics in each.

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So if cosmetics are what 95% of player base is looking at… THEN why the remaining 5% that cares about raid progress or Pvp rating should be punished by that?

All covenant abilities should be either equally OP or weak ; period.

Best way to do is replicating abilities with different name and animations for all covenants.But in heart ; make them do the same thing, but with different cosmetics.

In game non reward and non pve/pvp oriented content can still be covenant specific.

i wish covenants were like ; a ‘‘non essential but fun content’’ instead of ,’‘must have’’ or like similar to; Class hall progression from Legion,but faction based.
For example ; it should be like this ;

Night fae ; druids,shamans and monks
Kyrian: Paladin, priest,mage
Necrolords; Warlock ,demonhunter,
Venthyr, DK,Rogues,Warriors,Hunter

I really really really want to see ‘‘class based covenants’’ instead of this. Because that way; no one can blame you for underperforming or choosing the wrong covenant.

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I personaly would like that they keep the covenants, locked, but the souldbinds could be opened for every class, question is though how would that work, when they are bind to a covenant now.
the only problem that I se are the souldbinds realy, the rest works.

and I am not convinced they gona be a problem in the long run eighter, but we cant know that until like 5 months in to the game.

but then again none can please everyone anyways.

So you could run around the Shadowlands “persuading” ghost people to join your cause, and acquire all the abilities that way?

Having to do PvP for Conflict and strife was a cup I refused to drink here too.
What the heck does my DH have to do with rated PvP to get an essence for raids and dungeons.

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