Shadowlands dead on arrival?

You’re just a rando adventurer or nameless ‘hero’ in the lore.

Those die all the time and most don’t return from the dead, either.

I feel they totally destroyed the concept of death and afterlife with this… D:
Now even lorewise you’ll just go: “Oh hey, when I die which covenant will I choose? HMMM!”

They are amazed to see an alive person. You may interpret it how you wish but every single covenant is amazed to see a living person.


I will admit I might be wrong.
Everything I’ve seen tells me the factor is leaving the maw freely and not because we are alive. There are living characters trapped there.

But i’ve not played alpha nor beta so the quest text is all unknown to me.

that doesnt work
In lore when you die you have no choice.
There are infinite afterlives to go to and you dont get to pick.

You only get to pick as your character as you’re not dead and have a fight to fight.

So what that is the same for everyone? If you think nobody else will run into this issue you’re incredibly naive. Gameplay enjoyability should never be sacrificed for the story and vice versa. That’s absolutely terrible game design.

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It still kind of destroys the mystery of death and whole feel of it in game. Just my thoughts though.
I … don’t think I like it.
Kinda wish Shadowlands was some completely different realm that had no ties to ‘afterlife’. I am not sure how to properly express that.

I really hope we get an expansion where pace gets slowed down, where we are in some uncharted land, lots of nature, Grizzly Hills-like zones, calmness and lovely feel to it, pretty much how WotLK was mixed with Pandaria.
Kinda sick and tired of Iron Horde, Legion, Wars, Old Gods, Titans, Overpowered enemies that can’t be killed etc… XD

its not the game design thats the issue but the players.
Might as well remove all talents and make things baseline as the meta will always rule.
There is no choice in talents. Only what the guide says.

At least there is an attempt being made here.

I completely disagree on your thoughts on the shadowlands.

But I do think a less impactful expansion might be nice.
Like each faction finds an island with a race that ends up being playable and the whole thing is about solving their issues.

2 completely separate stories but with reskinned raids.
Something on the same scale as vanilla

Aye that’s fair :slight_smile:

Definitely. It has been too ‘chaotic’ lately with way too much going on, always some chaos and world coming to an end. Kinda want to move away from ‘OH NO WORLD WILL END’ storylines and focus on ‘lesser’ villains and get more character building in general!

I think it would definitely be a welcomed change of pace.

i love the raising of the stakes but the next expansion will have to be void lords at this point and then there is nothing after that.
I think a more calm expansion that ends in the void lords tearing apart our reality would be the perfect calm before the storm

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You are so disconnected from the issue at hand that you might as well have said “bread is purple but dogs bark because eggs and guacamole” and it would have had the exact same value.

and I think I’m happy with what is planned so I don’t really care.

I interpret it as time to go to bed, not because of the ‘amazed’ ‘omg champion’ part but because of everything that will inevitably follow.

Tbf mate i would much rather have them disabled in instanced content. Even if the covenants are swapable its going to be a balancing nightmare, and lets not begin to imagine the encounter designs when taking into consideration everyone having a teleport or a shield or an ankh.

It keeps the fun of them for world content but those who play end game get balance through it all

That beeing said i do think we are well overdue for a new talent roll.

I dunno.
A shake up would be nice but meta will always just tell us what to pick so it makes no difference there.

When I picked a class I wanted to be the best at AOE, ST, cleave, pvp, world pvp, arenas, BGs etc. I wanted to have the best performance at everything, I walso wanted to look the best. Animationwise and aesthetically. In the end I drew the same conclusion as you, all classes are WRONG. Why can’t i have everything i want? I want to be the best performing class at everything and also look the most fabolous. Jesus christ im paying amonthly fee for this game, why cant i have everything? mom?

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Yeah, blow it completely out of proportion to make a point about something I didn’t even say, that’ll put me in my place.