Oh, come on, this one doesn’t even have any fancy fake screenshots. What’s the point of a bull leak if there’s no fake proof? Bah.
The trick with leaks at this stage is that we’re close enough that one could well turn out true.
Drum roll
Chromie’s eyes flash a powerful shade of red.
The gates to Blizzcon should read “Abandon all hope ye who enter here”
Some more juicy leaks to pore over.
calia is immediately evil
i love all the people trying to shoehorn dragon isles plus bolvar into the plot
Has there been a leak about an expansion set during World War 2 yet? Because Activision Blizzard could totally still be chasing that trend.
Or World of WarCraft: Battle Royale. We parachute drop into every zone and have to start from scratch ala Warfronts every time.
She’s been evil since Before the Storm
please don’t talk about mommy calia like that
i just want her to embrace me forever
Akamito, you like her big round… cushions, huh?
“May the Light embrace you.”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Horde: Ogres (Kul Tiran reskin)
believable only because the level squish isn’t implemented yet
Hahaha I know why it’s fake.
High elves for the alliance
High Elves are announced. Void Elf population drops to 1, with Coldshade being the last one standing.
The comments on the original WoD leak are hilarious. All the people saying it’s fake because of how dumb it sounds.
I remember how everyone thought the Pandaria leaks were fake too. Those were crazy times to be a WoW player
Same thing with Cataclysm. I remember reading the leak for that and thinking it was the most obvious fake I ever read.
Then it happened.
The last legitimate expansion was truly Wrath of the Lich King