Shadowlands Discussion (SPOILERS)

I’d call it more of a fetish at this point. They refuse to build their world around the rules THEY created. They rather ignore them or outright break them to tell the story of that expansion. Hence why “Contuity…”.


Why is no one on Blizzcon ever calling them out? Why are so many people not playing this game for the setting? WHy are they ignoring consistency for coolstorybrosylvanasiscool ?

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Because the questions are prepared beforehand. They have -very- rarely done an open mic, and we saw what happened then.

Really? Guess they’re afraid of open mic questions because then they’d be called out on their stuff. :laughing:


The biggest problem for me personally when they have zero rules whatsoever for their own setting(Since they change them at their whims) is that it removes -all- stakes.

It is geniuenly impossible to make a story meaningful with any sort of drama or danger to the characters when there are no rules for what can and can’t happen since they just change it.


When it comes to WoW itself, they’ve really only been called out two times. First was redshirt guy.

Second was Jesse Cox for wotlk asking what a big random snake-tail in Zul’drak was. Their response was that they didn’t know and it didn’t matter. They ask the worldbuilders/area designers to make an area look cool and then build lore around it after, rather than letting the lore/story shape the world.


Don’t know what I expected honestly.

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Doesn’t Ion getting booed for Pathfinder also count?

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I mean it didn’t stop the diablo immortal guy and the hk guy.

The people who actually want to call them out don’t attend blizzcon, simple as.


Because he changed his question.

He was supposed to ask something else.

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Yeah. Anyone who wants to call Blizzard out can do the same.

Or you can just not waste money going to BlizzCon and complain.

Iirc, he was thrown out of BlizzCon after that.

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When rules constantly changes in a Universe because it’s convinient it’s generally not engaging at all.
You can make retcons… But they’re supposed to be rare and exceptional. Sadly such is not the case with WoW.

Same with Death. The concept of death was already pretty cheap in WoW… Not only did we found ourselves in situations of “Oh you can only kill X or Y in the realm they were born in” to literally bringing people back because… It’s good for the narrative and such. Shadowland is just an extra step on this downward trend.


They’re not afraid, they just know no one wants to listen to some sweaty fedorahead redditor that’s been practicing his epic 1-liner for a week, and they’d much rather listen to people with a smidge of charisma.


I’ve always taken issue with this phrase, because so often it is used to imply that continuity wouldn’t enhance the story, whereas I believe it has become the opposite: all these retcons create a sense of disillusionment within the audience, who should rightfully expect a degree of coherence.

What is the point of liking something if it is going to be subverted or rewritten?




Or maybe even Blizzard doesn’t know, and they’re just making stuff up on the spot.


I bet you 50000 gold that Blizzard did not have a single thought about the Maw when they wrote Edge of Night.


They didn’t even thought about the Maw up until they announced Shadowlands tbf… I wouldn’t put it past them to have made all that up in a week or something xD

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They did say they usually plan 2 expansions ahead, and there were definitely more than 2 expansions between WOTLK and Slands, by my count, so that’s a safe bet.

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