stop stepping up, that’s the solution here.
but gosh darnit everything wants to destroy azeroth!!!
Even I.
evil laughter
Looking forward to the next expansion where we will travel to a fantasy land based on a popular Stormwind novelist’s book series that somehow came alive, and meet fictional characters based off popular Azerothian denizens such as Arthas, Grommash, Uther and Kael’thas
Everyone gets sucked into a hearthstone board.
It’s Jumanji except hearthstone
Yeah, it feels like high-level D&D where you hop between planes, including various afterlives, and fight for or against the armies of gods.
Heck, we’re apparently getting off-brand versions of Barovia (Revendreth), Mount Celestia (Bastion), Sigil and the Lady of Pain (Oribos and the Arbiter) and the Feywild (Ardenweald)*. The last one is particularly odd because the Emerald Dream was the original Feywild, before there was a Feywild! All this feels jarring to me, and frankly I don’t see the appeal of the planar stuff even in D&D itself, and in Warcraft it feels alien to the setting.
I mean, Warcraft has long been borrowing from D&D, but it was usually on the level of individual creatures and spells, and they’ve usually put their own unique spin on the creatures so they’ve felt fresh and interesting compared to the generic D&D versions. Now they’re borrowing concepts of whole places from D&D’s default lore. And it seems ill-fitting.
* Incidentally, what are those things that look like D&D satyrs? They can’t be called satyrs, because Warcraft satyrs are a completely different thing. (Incidentally, I feel like Kalimdor, and especially the night elf lands, introduced a lot of classic D&D monsters, but changed in ways that made them organically fit their ecosystems. That’s what good worldbuilding looks like. I miss that in modern WoW.)
I am glad I am not the only one who got these vibes.
Remember how, after stopping Deathwing from literally tearing the planet apart, they released an expansion that wasn’t about stopping yet another planetary threat, but rather about just exploring a new continent, meeting its native peoples and solving their local problems? And that expansion is consistently ranked one of the best ones in WoW’s history?
when do I get my spelljammer
I want this one
Basically the Legion spaceships.
rams your dumb legion ships with my wooden hammership and easily defeats it
stupid demon nerds
I bet they’re going to be called Satyrs but with a prefix like Faesatyr or Wealdsatyr or something.
They’ll be the reason why corrupted NElves turn into demon satyrs. They’ll be like…the purified essence of a night elf that’s ascended.
Yeah you thought that was a wisp? It’s not anymore!
For the love of Elune, don’t give Blizzard ideas. It’s downright scary that I can actually see them doing something like this.
I just see Vampire Counts, Stormcast Eternals, Ossiarch Bonereapers and Sylvaneth.
But then WoW never went for original themes, if such a thing is even possible anymore. It’s what they do with it that matters.
I am just glad they did bring in Revendreth as I want to learn more about the ‘‘Blood’’ aspect of necromancy.
We mostly got stuff based on the San’layn which I guess is nice in a way but I would love to get new source and inspiration and Revendreth looks very promising on that front.
And I like the ‘‘Proto-Scourge’’ vibe of Maldraxxus too.
They delve into that in Nazmir too
Isn’t that based on G’huun which technically isn’t necromancy as in like Death Knights who draw their powers directly from the Shadowlands?
Blood magic is blood magic, and the blood trolls use it to achieve bonafide necromancy. Why G’huun is linked to blood magic is never explained, but there isn’t some “different” blood magic.
Also Jeremy Feasel confirmed way back when Chronicles 1 was being published that blood magic’s one of the subsect of death magics.
Oh yeah I am not denying that they can be tied, but what I was aiming at is that Death Knights draw their magic from the Shadowlands, so getting Shadowlands based Blood Magic is going to be awesome for inspiration for my character.
While the Blood Trolls use Blood Magic connected to G’huun it isn’t exactly the same source of location that DK’s draw from but very similar in function.
Don’t worry, they’re just called fauns.
htt ps://
Can you elaborate on “shadowlands-based blood magic” and how that magic is different from other blood magic? Not exactly sure what you mean by it / where you have that info from.