Shadowlands: Eternity's End Content Update Is Now Live!

Seems to me they doing what they always do round every body up and set them down in the same place. Makes it easyer for them i guess

After many years of playing WoW, I have just begun again following a 8/9 months break and I really canā€™t remember many things. Itā€™s very frustrating. I have one lev 60 character, the remainder are 50+ and I really donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing, or how to get on. Iā€™m 86 years old, so I donā€™t suppose it will get better for me. I wish the game carried tutorials for those rejoining. My guild members donā€™t seem to be playing much, certainly not when Iā€™m on line, so I canā€™t ask them.

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yea, im not interested in lore, bute since i started WOTLK and loved the lichking i was sad he lost so badly against Sylvanas. Maybe heā€™ll come back, for me Lich King is the most iconic Lore Character in WOW and i want him to defeat everything and anyone!

Ahhhh another di* hard delusional hope fanatic here. Thinking that ActivisionBlizzard acts on feedback quicker than later.

Didnā€™t the last several expansion learn you anything? They donā€™t care about any of your 10000000000 words of feedback. They will never ever act on it unless there is a mass exodus of unsubs. (ie, you vote with your wallet and stop subbing to this game in the first place)

Stop returning to the game and give feedback, they DO NOT CARE! They only care about your wallet. Reduce how much you give them of your wallet, and THEN they will start caring.


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