Shadowlands: Fury/Arms forced Weapon Swap is bad

That they do well. All of them are eight or nine slots + the weapon swap macro -_-

I’ve never managed to like the warrior class personally, from the beginning it was the stance-dance and shield macro thing that was off putting for me (yeah I like it simple okay), but I know some ppl loved it and miss it so, if some of that is coming back I know some are getting happy.

how is the weapon swapping forced? blizz gave warriors back a little extra flavour which is by no means mandatory nor conducive to success with either specs for the games content.

The complain is that : if they can’t be used, then what’s the point of bringing them back? There are some players who like to get the most of their class and sadly, this kind of design goes against that. At this point, they should have not being baselines to DPS warriors.

If u equip 1 shield+1hand that allow you to boost ur survivability via armor + possibility to use shield block.

That will be very good against melee comp in 3s + rbg (imo useless in 2s, stance def is enough).

The other point of view is that add 2 keybinds + gcd when u swap weapons.

By that logic Eye Beam is a boost in AoE damage and you should need to macro it.

It’s meant to be used in PvE for Warriors to work as emergency tanks regardless of spec. I understand macros if you weant to optimise performance and you should never need macros in order to use basic gamepay.

blizz should work on the char UI for another weapon equip slot that can be toggled back and forth between main weapon slot and secondary weapon slot and accomadate keybinds for people who are too lazy to copy paste weapon swap macro.

also people should just treat the weapon swapping thing as extra flavour that can be ignored if copy pasting a simple macro is too hard.

You’re wrong in assuming that having none is only because they’re lazy. It can be as simple as simply having no knowledge of it.

all you have to do is google :slight_smile: unless lazy.

Eye beam is include in their rotation so we can’t compare that.
Equip 1 hand+1 shield it’s situational and tell me exactly how it is possible to use shield block without shield?
No if you want to boost ur survivability (armor+shield block) ur damages must be reduce.

U’ve already :
Ignore pain
Stance def

  • I play warrior since wotlk and i appreciated to swap weapons to use shield block, spell reflect and shield wall.

To do that you still need to know it exists.

Do you know of Lev Vygotsky’s theory of the zone of proximal development?

I do because of my education. Are you lazy for having no knowledge of it?

People forget that their experience of reality is different from the reality that other people experience. The point is still moot as macros are for optimizations instead of for basic gameplay. No other class or spec in the game has a requirement for macros in order to use their basic toolkit, they only use macros if they want to optimize.

Yes, I can there’s nothing that says you have to use Eye Beam except in order to reach optimal performance, just like there’s also nothing that says I must use Mortal Strike to reach optimal performance.

Using the shield block option at the right time, and because you generate the same amount of Rage pr. hit with a one-hander as you do a two-hander, only much, much faster, then you need to use sword and board in order to reach optimal performance.

Paper tiger whose efficiency people think is vastly better than it is.
A talent
Useless when stunned or attacked from behind. I assume you mean Die by the Sword here since that’s a legit defensive cooldown.

It’s basic gameplay now. None of those things were an intrinsic part of the spec back then they were just nice things that you could do that required macros in order to be used efficiently. Now they’re included in our basic survival kit and they’re clunky to use due to the need of said macros.

My man you’d cause an argument in an empty house :smiley:

No, because then I’d be alone :stuck_out_tongue:

I can cause an argument with most people because what they argue comes from their own perception of reality. And while it seems correct it’s often objectively wrong.

Do you know of Lev Vygotsky’s theory of the zone of proximal development?

I do because of my education. Are you lazy for having no knowledge of it?

Your logic here is wrong, why? because i don’t have the same education as you.

going by you’re logic we might as well say someone who doesn’t play WOW is lazy because they don’t know about wow macros.

if i did have the same education as you and didn’t know Lev Vygotsky’s theory of the zone of proximal development you could argue i’m lazy because i’m not studying hard enough. :slight_smile:

No, because then I’d be alone

yes the idea is that you would even argue with yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

Education = experience.

Your argument assumes that everyone has the same experience as you or they have to be lazy because you’re the normal that shapes the world. You’re only normal because you’re at the center of your own world. Just because you know of macros has no impact on everyone else doing.

If I mentioned macro to anyone that knew English anyone other than those who also play games on a high level or knew code would look at me with bewilderment as they’d have no idea what I talked about.

If I defined normal as being like me then only I would be normal since due to various physiological and neurological traits I’m so vastly different from everyone else that it’s no longer funny.

I don’t think that’s the right issue about knowing macro or not. The fact that you must use macros to perfectly use those spells is quite unfun. Here is an example related to warrior, which is Arms in cata : you had to macro every single spell with stance dance to either optimally use a spell or simply being allowed to use a spell. In this case, we’re more in the later situation which I have to say : it doesn’t feel good if not macroed and feels boring when macroed.

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if a warrior sees another warrior swapping from two hander to one hander all he has to do is ask then he knows about macros.

playing this game oft it’s hard not to know about macros and if you don’t play the game often would you even care about weapon swapping?

I’m a very casual player and know about macros, if someone plays this game often and doesn’t know then i would say there in the minority.

I don’t think that’s the right issue about knowing macro or not. The fact that you must use macros to perfectly use those spells is quite unfun. Here is an example related to warrior, which is Arms in cata : you had to macro every single spell with stance dance to either optimally use a spell or simply being allowed to use a spell. In this case, we’re more in the later situation which I have to say : it doesn’t feel good if not macroed and feels boring when macroed.

I would argue that weapon swapping is optional and not at all necessary, you don’t need to weapon swap to be successful in any of the games content either by PVE or PVP.

But if you want to use weapon swapping for niche situations you can :slight_smile: if you don’t want to macro then just click on your action bar your two handed weapon and sword and shield.

But for ease of use I.E. usability i would also argue that blizz should accomodate weapon swapping VIA the character UI by adding a secondary weapon slot that can be toggled VIA hot key.

There’s no reason to ask if the other person just assumes that the first person is really good at clicking buttons. That’s how they would do it if they knew nothing about macros. Just like your reality comes from the experiences you have centered around you, so do they. If there are seven billion people there are seven billion personal normals + the ones that their culture defines as normal. There exist a cultural normal and also a personal normal.

Do you play WoW more than three times a week and for longer than two hours each time? If you can answer yes to those terms then you’re by definition no longer casual.

I was in a guild once where we complained about our voes getting people for raiding and how those we got messed up a lot when it was so easy that everyone could do it. Then we looked ourselves up on WoWProgress and discovered then we belonged to a percentile of less than 10% of the then player base.

Actually being in the Beta I’ll strongly disagree with this notion. You can do without, yes. And if you do you’ll have a worse time than someone who does since you’re playing un-optimally.

I disagree. Blizzard should reimplement Defensive Stance for Arms and Fury at 10%, then the talent improves it to 20%, and it automatically pages in a Def Stance main bar, turns BT/MS into SS, and changes your MH weapon to a one-hander and shield of the same ilvl, so you can use those abilities at performance without having to farm. That would clear up a lot of space since all the unpruned skills and the weapon swap macro is eight or nine slots.

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