Shadowlands NO pvp scaling

Some people from the beta have said this on the forums. Shadowlands PvP scaling is removed from the game and we can play PvP as it was intended. Is this true/confirmed?

It would be the best decision the shadowlands dev team has made yet.


Ehh I don’t know about that. Imagine taking your fresh 120 to pvp in order to farm some gear, but you can’t move because you’re constantly getting two tapped. Not a lot of fun, right? At least with scaling it gives you the opportunity to take more hits, and feel more impactful on the battleground. You’ll actually have a chance to earn some gear doing the content you love, instead of being forced to PvE.
Having said that, scaling obviously needs some serious tuning.

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Big whoop. Get stronger. Buy crafted pvp gear. Don’t be a crybaby cause someone that put 20 x more hours in the game is stronger than you. That is how MMOs should work.


Lmao. Scaling doesn’t belong in a mmorpg.


Most MMOs I’ve played have some kind of scaling mechanic. ESO’s is probably worse than WoW’s honestly. A level 10 character can one shot a max level player in upgraded armor because of the amount of stats they receive to compensate their low level.
GW2 uses a dynamic level adjustment where every player gets scaled to the same level so everyone is on equal footing.
You know, I kind of hope they remove scaling just so I can see all the complaints of people getting slammed harder than critters in Goldshire.

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I supose it come down to. Do you want your PvP to be a fair fight to see who is better or do you just want to go around 1 shotting noobs. Personally I don’t care either way but I feel like PvP scaleing is more of an idiological issue.

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QFT wish all those people quit wow and tried other mmorpgs. because of them wwo doesnt feel like a mmorpg AT ALL anymore. its just a simulation now. you are MEANT to be 1 shot when you are new at 120. its how it is meant to be.


No, it isn’t. It’s a genre issue. If you want fair fights, where your char progression doesn’t matter, go play a moba or something. There your character progresses every game you play and is then reset, rather than over time.


I mean you are arguing semantics at this point. We could go on and on but I’ll cut to the point. The idiological issue / genera issue I was referring to is where the blizzard team feel the PvP in the game should go vs where players want it to go. Now I’ll say again that personally I don’t mind. I don’t engage with the system enough for it to effect me. But I just don’t feel there is a middle ground here. Regardless of where they go with it someone will be unhappy because different people want different things out of PvP. Personally I would just add a new game mode with scaleing and one without and let players choose

It’s not an ideological issue though. MMORPGs are all about character progression. You’re meant to be stronger than someone who has just started in a MMORPG, if you’ve played for a while. That’s how it was until BFA, albeit the templates in Legion sucked they still allowed you to be stronger than someone who just started out.

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The latest and most prominent issue with this is people grinding those boring visions for sockets to be pvp gods only for them to be weaker and weaker. Blizzard is scaling us backwards because of carebears that want to pvp in full quest/heirloom gear. Like if a heirloom geared 120 came up and hit my 475-480 character I should be able to blast him so hard his spirit starts running to his corpse from Outland.


templates were okayish.
even if you had atrocious gear (eg you just hit level 110 and it was 7.3, so you were 150 ilvls behind) your character sort of functioned in pvp, by your gear being normalized to patch-relevant item level. This way you were not being instantly deleted by geared chars.

Right now the scaling is
a) invisible, not communicated clearly to players
b) too aggressive
c) just not fun

It makes no sense to play 480 ilvl geared char and barely scratching somebody that has 1/6th of my health. I have 500k, he has 80k. I should be able to delete him, the diffrence is that large.

If that’s not fair or fun to be deleted, then why display such large differentials?! Scale his gear up and make it appear like he also has 400k health. Not 80k.

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