Shadowlands Windwalker PvP Guide 9.0.2

Hey man, thank you for this useful guide!
What keybinds u use for arena123 and focus?

And also
what legendary u will craft first? will u wait for invoker delight and escape from reality?

Sorry for bad english =(

This Legendary has a lot of potential for changing up how you play Windwalker. This Legendary effectively will force you to play Serenity, which results in less sustained Burst damage but very high Burst spikes.

Why does Keefer force Serenity? Is it just better at utilizing the 6 sec window than SEF?

Because Keefer’s crit buff does not affect SEF, and that is very important for mini-maxers.


I’d say it is quite important if two thirds of your dmg is not affected by a buff from a legendary item.

I crafted Keefers Legendary first and will later craft Invokers too.

Keefers build is really blasting at the moment but a bit situational. I definetely hit for 16k crits with it.

I have also crafted Keefers, and will try to play with Serenity. But damn, it is very weird to play without a WDP…

Do you stream Cutipie ? I’m interested !

I don’t sorry.

I also updated the guide massively as it was really outdated.

Is Rogue, WW and HPaly a decent composition? I see that you’ve put DH and DK as the extra dps but my friend is keen on playing rogue.


Thank you very much for this guide, I am a recent monk and it helped me a lot in arena. Now I am kid of stuck 1k8 in arena and I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. Thus, I have few questions for you :grin:: I have to “macro burst” one include SEF+tiger and the other one SEF+Woo, I usually use the Woo at my first leg sweep… I am not sure if should both, if it better to start with tiger or Woo… I am a bit lost about when u should use which burst CD. (according to zugzog, we should separate both burst in order to have available CD during setups).

Second question: when the enemy are butting u should kite or use Def cds? Because kitting semms op but sometimes u also kite ur healer as well so…

Do you have any advice concerning the ui/interface? I don’t use too many Addons but I am kind of overwhelmed by all the information from my health, my enemy health, enemy cds from omnibar, enemy Dr, my ressources(energy+chi) my available spell for better rotation) etc. (also, do you use spinning when it’s available? Or ur use it outside ur rotation? Let’s say u have RSK do which one you should use knowing that RSK can proc another spinning?

I am sorry for all this text… Hope u can answer some of my interrogation. Again thank you for this amazing guide.


If anyone can answer the “burst” part that would be awesome!

Rogue and WW don’t fit really well together. I don’t think it ever worked really.

I think all classes which use energy somehow doesn’t really work together. Mostly because I guess they fit in the same job, and don’t offer useful strengths to eachother.

It’s important to combine all cds together. However you can delay your go by popping Xuen first and then see how the enemies react and then rate how the situation is going.

What I am doing very often is doing a fake go with SEF and Badge(when played) to force cooldowns or to watch people react because most of the times they will peel for you anyway even though you didn’t use your real cooldowns yet (xuen, WoO). However this requires game understanding and some gamesense.

To clear up what zugzog means basically is that you can force especially in 3s with another dps, cds with just one cooldown usage when doing cc chains. So for setting up kills it is indeed better to save one of the cooldowns when coordinated.

But after all I’d still suggest using all cooldowns at once especially in 2s. And in high rated 3s it is also not that important. To note you can also get 3k using all cooldowns at once, it doesn’t really matter too much but is just min-maxing.

I think this all comes down to understanding tbh. What you need to know is if your Karma is enough. It is roughly a 18k absorb shield. Will it be enough to stop an enhancement sham and arms warrior during their cooldowns? No.

Can it give you time to breathe? Yes.

Monk defensives are very poor even if you use Karma/Wall you still need to realize that during a CC chain you are still in trouble and can’t just stay in. You always need to kite or use port on big cds unless you face a caster cleave, because Diffuse is the only defensive CD which is noticeable to stop huge damage.

The best defensive is indeed either port/kiting or try to delay/outplay enemies aka using disarm on a rogue, incap on a mage after blink/sheep while they setup to nullify their go etc.

The only real addons I use for PvP are:

Gladius to track DR’s and Trinkets and to setup focus targets, Omnibar for cooldown usage tracking and ATT for cooldown tracking of my team mates.

I think this comes down to practice to use the addons properly there are no real tips I could give you really. The information you have right now is the minimum and is important to learn and with time you realize how important these are.

Also I use spinning crane kick only during Dance of Chi-Ji proccs always. It’s one of the best sources where monk damage comes from.

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hi, I have a question to the guide, you write haste is a dead stat but chose the 33% haste legendary, could you explain this choice? thanks!

The haste buff during our burst cooldowns reduce our general cooldowns from Rising Sun Kick and FoF by a lot. Which gives us more Rising Sun Kicks and FoFs (our hardest hitting spells) during our big burst windows.

It also gives you faster channel time of your FoF and maximum gcd reduction which means you can instantly spam buttons in a short time frame.

On a minor part Haste also scales with Xuen which means he will do more and faster ticks which equals in more damage.

Hope this helps.

So every two minutes you’re a force to be reckoned with. Great if you aren’t instantly cc’d in one way or another and are only facing one opponent. Meanwhile, outside of arenas and gimmick comps, I don’t understand what all the fuss is about regarding WW monks. There’s more to pvp than sandboxes with pillars to hump. Why is everything about Arena?

WW seems mediocre to me and I just cba grinding 220+ ilvl gear to see if things improve with better stuff.

Congrats for the guide and your achievements for this season.

Have you checked PTR changes? Specially the “Xuen Battlegear” legendary, FoF 5sec. CD reduction and 5sec. of 50% crit on RSK.

Did some math and seems like a “prolly” better option now, for more sustained damage and no counterplay as with the current BiS legendary tied to 2min CD and arena baits/kiting.

The only issue I see would be lack of chi and might get solved with Ascension, maybe. Would like to get your insight on it, cheers.

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