Shadowmoon (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Hi Niyx!

Gnobswe - Tauren Warrior.

Was in the guild Ez for a while. I think I was in Dom Horda first but i can’t remember.
Pretty much only PvPed (or more like stomping pugs) with the same premade every day.

I remember plenty of names in here :slight_smile:

Muxtar, undead warrior
I barely remember guild name I was in (screenshots didn’t make it up to today), but remember orc shaman we were leveling with in a lot of zones, but most fun was Stranglethorn (oh Vietnam…). His IRL name was Denis and he was from Russia. It is all I can remember :frowning:

Bungur! Happy to see you too man! How you been ? :smiley:
Plan on coming back for classic?
My tag is Sonny#2537, add me!

Всем привет!

Разыскиваются ветераны и не только World of Warcraft: Classic aka Vanilla. Ищем “старичков” с US-Warsong, EU-Zenedar, EU-Tarren Mill, EU-Stonemaul, EU-Shadowmoon и прочих из тех, кто играл в Классику / The Burning Crusade / Wrath of the Lich King начиная с 2004 года.

Мы ищём игроков c опытом, для которых такие названия гильдий как “REDSTAR”, “Litmus”, “Goblins”, “Bards”, “BloodRage”, “WANTED”, “Untamed”, “Mirage”, “Black Lotus”, “Century Tribe”, “Edge”, “Never Ending”, “Trial and Error”, “Twenty Four Seven”, “Skifia”, “Automatic”, “Kamelot”, “Amaterasu”, “Illuminators”, “Dark Side of the Moon”, “The Temper”, “THE UNITY”, “Artificial Breath’, “Dragon Legion”, “Exiles of Fate”, 'New Life”, “SySThORs”, “Undivided”, “SySThORs of Mércy” и многие прочие — не пустой звук.

Наша цель — попытаться разыскать/собрать игроков вместе. Получить удовольствие от общения и совместной прокачки до 60 уровня. Если наберётся достаточно желающих, то образовать статик, собрать пре-рейдовый гир и начать осваивать подзабытый рейдовый контент заново, как PvE, так и PvP. Есть ли у нас желание "ворваться в Классику и показать кузькину-мать молодым” ? Возможно, но скорее всего это будет зависеть от того столько желающих к нам примкнёт.

Хотелось бы напомнить, что собираются взрослые, адекватные игроки со стажем, которые, будем на это надеяться, смогут организоваться в единый коллектив без склок и скандалов. Хотя и не отрицаю, что вспомнить есть что)

По любым вопросам и предложениям —
заходите на наш канал в Discord

Добро пожаловать!


Prev - Undead Priest - Psycho Bunnies.
This char im playing right now.

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Kerkala - Tauren female shaman - CoNT
And I remember 1 guild of nice people - Obscurum

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Pozza - male Troll shaman- NPU(non plus Ultra) then moved to Ez afterwards same character till this Day just name changed.
I remember niyx
Marklund Stronghorn just Ez or Npu people in general

Hey dude, I replied to your mail on Steamwheedle with my bnet ID! :slight_smile:

Hey again fellow Shadowmoon residents!

Just wanted to let you know that Ez guild will be coming back to WoW classic on the PvE server Mirage Raceway! We are very much looking forward to hearing from our former Ez brethren, friends and rivals from the days of old. Hopefully we will get to see each other in-game!

Ducko of Ez

My first character: Baalazamon - Undead Warlock

The Voodoo Supremacy and the Warrior Kittens is like a blast from the past, how amazing! It’s so nice to hear from people back then and to recognise names like yours, Wazdakka! If there is a way add me as a friend on Battle net and let’s see who we can round up

Linteo Tauren Hunter 60
V guilde s Osirisem
Předtim než se ze serveru stal rusky server a migrovali na drakthul

Cybersport / Ud rogue
-Steel Fenix
-New Life

Hey Baalz! There’s not a way to add through the forum I believe. Add me though, my bnet ID is Spikey#2709 .

Me and a few RL buddies are rolling on Gehennas PvP server for classic if anyone is interested.

Hi all,
My main was a Horde druid named Juvusj.
I played first in Onslaught, then later when we moved to Drakthul from Shadowmoon i played in Obscurum.

I used to gank and play alot of PVP , i remember alot of russian pvp players, and the alliance guilds Concilliatrix and eye of odin :slight_smile:

Anyways i am going to play on Shazzrah, i think.

Willium Undead warlock with Lost Chapter guild.

would be good to see if anybody from that guild is still playing. Also a mage from kitty spins named bwitch.

Splivv the orc shaman. Spent most of my time on shadowmoon with Army of Darkness. Would love to find some old friends again :slight_smile:

I kinda suspected i’d find you here haha.

I’ve been in Ez for quite a while, loved the raids and general mood in this guild. Best memory being when the Ahn Qiraj event melted my friend’s (Bloodsoul, also in Ez) pc and i had to take a screenshot of his shaman’s corpse to get him some DKP for “contributing”.

I think my char’s name was Revootje back then, many (forced) namechanges with transfers but i still play this guy today. Also remember Collo(quin?) as my rogue class leader. You around here buddy?

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Weren’t you the guy that fell asleep regularly during raids? xD

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I do remember your name as well. We might have raided together haha.

Good to see so many known names, brings back memories, especially with Ez so well represented.

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