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Me and my cat :slight_smile:

WoW community needs more Song Zee Machinimas.

Super cute cat!

Berny adopted starving street kitten 1 month ago. Now, kitten monster. All toys destroyed.

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Sylvanas tribute song + my channel

Character Name: Wertakos
Faction: Horde
Description: PvP RBG
Youtube Link:

Character name: Moony

Faction: Horde

Description: Balance/Resto Druid 2v2 3v3 Arena PvP. RBG Rated Battlegrounds, Battlegrounds & pretty much any WoW content I feel like uploading

Youtube link: Moony - YouTube

Thanks for checking me out! :wink:

Character name: Ollzken
Faction: Alliance
Description: Making videos from when we raid Mythic and trying to add some funny/good moments from the raid

Youtube link: OllzkenWoW

Not asking people to go in and sub or anything like that but would be really nice to get some feedback on the videos so i know how to improve! Thanks

Character name: Doveris

Faction: Alliance

Description: Amazing adventure from the beginning until my last breath! Polish speaking World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery gameplay.

Youtube link: Doveris