Ship 2 Forum Posters :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Actually the real quote: “Magic mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all?”
The mirror, mirror version is the classic case of the Mandela Effect
…or the proof, Alternate Realities exist and sometimes one or more of them bleeds in to ours :eyes:

“Afenton!! No contest.”

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at 150x200

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Now now dont be mad just because the mirror saw you coming and screamed “awwv hell naw” and threw itself on the floor shattering itself…

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It had it coming :eyes:

What about you and my new warlock :smiling_imp: (Who isn’t even detected yet by the forums)

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Sounds good
I can’t wait to meet her! (Him?)

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Really? It was definitely a blonde blood elf wearing her hair in a bun, wearing a purple tube top.

My mirror-boggling hex never falters.

Slowly lvling her up! Altough she hates demons and wants to enslave them… unless you convince her… :smiling_imp:

Actually I always wear red and never anything as tacky as a “tube top” wrinkles her nose at the inferior elf before her


No glasses though! And not a low, but a high bun.

I wouldn’t go with a full set either.

The crown does check out, however. Close enough!

And there’s no need to have a demon companion either because…

She’s a dwelling place for demons
She’s a cage for every unclean spirit
Every filthy bird
And makes us drink the poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings
Fallen now is Babylon the Great

And you’re not that ultimate fairest maiden unless you know where this is from… :wink:

At what point is it a full set?

When you are covered wearing them like a proper victorian lady

Oh!!! so it’s because that char doesn’t look “Goldshire” :eyes: was gonna say she isn’t wearing a matching set.

I know, right?

Guys, stop arguing.

Start shipping again!

Twiggz and Robin

Ship myself with someone with lotsa gold

Ship some Felweed? Where?

Because anyone that’s not salty already is fair game for sales. :herb:

Fine, I’ll ship Neffy because her warlock actually looks decent, and Twiluna because what’s not to ship about this thread :smile:

Twiluna and Twiluna and Twiluna and Twiluna and Twiluna and Twiluna and Twiluna and Twiluna and Twiluna and Twiluna and Twiluna and Twiluna

Because we are all Twiluna