Should continuity matter in expansions ?

Not really, Varian’s reaction to the Wrathgate was perfectly logical. Garrosh’s reaction to Alliance hostility made sense.

Then they started with the civil war malarkey in MoP and World of Peacecraft in WoD/Legion. That’s when things became forced.


I don’t see how two relatively coherent episodes in a tornado of crap make a difference. Factions wars and choices always had the worst writing.


Considering the only other instances are Ashran and BfA (Which could have been written to make sense, but they decided to push Sylvanas’ mustache twirling to 11 so there went that). I’d say those previous two instances are perfect examples of how it can make sense.

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So…an entire expansion of bad faction war is nothing to you? Or like, two? MOP and now BFA? I also hate to inform you, Cataclysm sucked on the Alliance side.

On your side, you have two examples of what…exactly? Something? And that’s a counter-point to a 66% failure in the Horde’s case, and 100% failure in the Alliance’s one?


I’m not willing to write off the entire concept because the current writing team are incapable of doing it justice.

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Then why are you defending it if the writing team failed it abysmally? I mean, hell, if this is the war I can get, I don’t want war.


Because I like the concept. Just not the execution.

I’m not saying it should be the focus (Especially not with the current writing team), but it should always be in the background. Preventing us from teaming up all the god-damn time.

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But problem is, execution is everything. And they failed this absolutely. I mean, look at what’s happening right now. The Alliance guys are already playing bingo wondering what territory we will be forced to cede this time (and trembling about how we will pay for a victory in Dazar’alor) and the Horde guys are bracing for Sylvanas raid boss and further identity butchering and loss of characters.

I can get behind a faction war concept, I mean, I am a pvper. But not one written like this.


Basically what I’m saying. I’m not defending BfA. The story and faction war for this expansion is abysmal.

But I don’t want a permanent peace or hell even a temporary one. I don’t want to see faction unification. I don’t want the Horde and Alliance to put aside their past and become besties just to take down some cheap lovecraft knockoff. Basically I don’t want to see the faction war and rivalries binned when it’s inconvenient.

I want them to be enemies and I want them to be consistent about it. That doesn’t require a full on war like BfA.


Come on, lets hug.



The thing I find most interesting about faction wars as they were is actually… that they created real infighting. In the Horde, at least. The Horde leaders got to be individuals, up to a point. And while the lines they drew were really, really stupid… at least they drew them, with support from cutscenes, cinematics and novels.

But the thing is… I really don’t see why I would need a faction war for this to happen. Any kind of political struggle could get me that. I would really like to see conflicts between nature and technology, religion and expediency, nationalism and unified world-saving extended upon. Horde and Alliance don’t stand for anything in my eyes, and the more members they get, the less they mean, so that conflict is just not an interesting one to me, even in principle.

That they tried it and failed multiple times doesn’t make it any better, though.


The concept of “continuity exists to enhance a story, not to tie the hands of creators” is what finally made me quit this game.

This feels so pointless. I can’t get myself immersed in the story of a character… If that story is completely changed on a whim without any explanations. It feels like a waste of time. This isn’t a story, there is nothing to anticipate. No development I can look forward to and be excited about… Because they are willing to, just like that, ignore everything that was established in order to introduce something that makes zero sense but seems “cool” to them.

The lack of continuity makes me feel like playing this game is an utter waste of time.

(I like the forum, though, because I love all of you guys so much)


Honestly I kinda feel the same Hala, and only real reason why I keep playing is that I found an awesome guild in WoD I’m still with (and it’s still very active). Otherwise I would have probably gone to FFXIV or something.


I started playing Witcher 3 lately and the contrast is massive.

Every moment I play Witcher I can’t wait to see what is going to happen, what is behind every other conrner, how will the story unfold, how is the war going to go and most of all, I can’t get enough of Geralt - Yennefer story, I sometimes skip side quests just to get to Yennefer quicker…

There is so many positive emotions, joy, anticipation, longing, curiosity, ominousness…
While WoW gives me only headaches now because the story makes no sense.


I liked the Witcher 3 when I played it but on retrospect I have kinda come dislike it because to me Geralt was never really interesting guy. It was his adventures that were the interesting part. I mean there’s good lore reason why he is the way he is but that doesn’t make the guy interesting. Gaunter o’ Dimm was definitely my favourite guy in the Witcher 3 (which is why the Hearts of Stone was my favourite story especially with its “bad” ending aka fulfilling the pact).

I agree.

I have never been too much on the lore to be honest.
Most of what I know comes from what I know in game.
I watch nobbel YouTube channel and read forums when I can’t play WoW like now (lack of laptop).

That being said I started reading “A Good War”.
While I may had found some sense on what Sylvanas said, that comes from my lack of knowledge of previous lore.
In example FrozenShadow stated that has numerous flaws. But that comes probably b cause she knows more about the lore.

So this statement by Ion may work on newer players, but doesn’t work on people who have more knowledge of the lore as you, Araphant or Arctur.

Last I also agree that BfA breaks immersion.
Unfortunately I found out after 14 years enjoying WoW, I can’t get imersed as I used too. That’s probably why I spend more time talking about it in forums

Hell I have to nitpick every quest, warfront quests are a big no for me, it all envolves around following Nathanos and doing things that makes you question you characters moral all the time.

That’s my opinion.


Just about everything feels forced and shaky at the moment, save for the Kul Tiran vs Ashvane storyline. Which was quite good.


Until Ashvane decided to join/work with Sylvanas and the Horde. This was the main reason she hated the Alliance and Jania was because they let her husband and the Kul’tiran army/navy be destroyed by the Horde.

Now, she is working with the people (especially Rexxar who was the one what most likely killed her husband and is the one what busted her out) to now most likely fight against the Alliance.


Because the other alternative is orcs being allowed to go on a stroll in Stormwind. Which in itself is much worse writing than anything faction conflict ever presented.

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