I didn’t but I also know that many people need a reason to quest or they won’t bother, they’ll just run whatever instanced content opens up with the new patch.
That just because it’s in the game, doesn’t mean it HAS to be experienced in that way. Things CAN change. And if the game really wanted lvling to be experienced the way it was before, they wouldn’t butcher it they way they have.
You are max lvl before you even turn around.
They try to cater to both spectrums failing at pleasing both.
Again fair. But I am not talking about YOU. A new player doesn’t realize what is happening and doesn’t get a grasp of their spells before they are at current expansion, mobs don’t hurt, your rotation consists of 1-2 spells
As a new player the lvling process is flawed. As we agree, you shouldn’t feel weaker… But you do… And you do, because they try to cater to the people that just want to speed run it
I already mentioned that right here
Hello, I’m those players
Even when I don’t gain levels, I want a story and quests to clear out a zone.
Don’t give me just a zone with a daily quest to slay 100 monsters…
Tell me about the zone
Why is it there?
Who lives here?
What issues are there?
Why am I here?
What Tah basically stated, you are a GOD at level 10 and can one shoot most stuff. But don´t give Blizzard the idea that adding more HP to mobs fixes things, that would teach people nothing.
Was mentioned no where tbf
It is meant to be.
That’s what I said. And that’s true.
Yes, players have a choice not to.
Those things are not the same thing: ‘Meant to be’ and ‘have to’.
Of course, but they haven’t. Well, the specifics of leveling have changed, but not the overal idea: Do content and quest and explore and you level up.
Yes, agreed. This will unfortunately always be a thing in a game like WoW where there’s so many different ways to enjoy the game.
You don’t know that. You are not a new player.
I will say: At lower levels that problem doesn’t exist in my experience. It’s mainly going into a new expansion and leveling to the new max level where this is a thing.
But the issue isn´t so much with the "race to maxlevel"for existing players when a new expansion arrives… the issue is that people don´t spend enough time in the 60-70 levels before that learning how their class actually works, because everything just falls over dead when it sees them coming.
And after say 10 or so hours of that they´re now in the current expansion, getting thrown off a cliff into shark infested waters… Nothing from 0-70 prepares you for your first TWW leveling dungeons where you (apparently still quite often, and It´s one of the primary reasons I don´t ever pug content I can´t hard-carry) immediately get flamed and votekicked for not doing enough DPS /being a crap healer /sucking as a tank… so they expereince that 3-4-5 times, and then go right back to solo content, which may not have been why they started this game, but at least it isn´t insulting them instead of trying to teach them what they´re doing wrong.
This is the main problem for me as well.
We have a % of the player-base that make the general playing experience absolutely horrible, because they rushed to max level and apparently cannot stand that others are slower or still learning things.
And quite frankly, I’m at the point where elements like those just need to be outright removed from the game.
If you as a player cannot have a a bit of tolerance for someone who is learning or playing slower, you have absolutely no business in an online game.
And please don’t give me the excuse of “my time is limited”.
If you can’t spend 10 more minutes in a dungeon, you need to plan your time better, or simply not do the dungeon at the point in time.
Again, if it was meant to be, why would they put so little emphasis on it?
Lvling means absolutely nothing for your character, apart from arbitrary gatekeeping of spells / talents.
You get weaker as you go? How is that the intended experience for the player base?
Oh and if you buy the HC edidion of the game when you purchase you even get a lvl boost on top… So the lvling is only “meant” to be experienced in the last 10 lvls?
And the fact that they haven’t imo, has hurt even more. It doesn’t feel nice to lvl, the first 70 lvls goes by way too fast for a new player, and then they are at current expansion where they randomly get weaker, but they have only learned their 1-2-3 rotation.
No, but my girlfriend is, and that’s her experience so far.
And given how many players in dungeons don’t know their spells, it would indicate that it’s not an uncommon thing.
It’s not a thing because lvling takes a few hours at low lvl… You out lvl a zone before you’re even half way with the story line…
And have you seen how random dungeons function? zugzug power lvling with lvl 11 warrios whirlwinding through, kicking you out if you are too slow to keep up xD
TBH, it feels like people are setting their cats on fire and then queing for the dungeon /raid, which has to be speedrun so that they can extinguish it before their apartment burns down…
In all of the Communities/Guilds I play with, if someone gets invited and ported in and then starts typing ogog or otherwise trying to speed things up before everyone is ready, more often than not before everyone is even present but not even considering helping to port them, we just kick them… If they want a speedrun with unprepared players, they can form their own groups.
If you join my goob group (partial guild runs), and you go “go go go”, I will instantly vote kick you from my group…
But this is what I meant… If they removed lvling for new expansions, they wouldn’t have to “compromise” and make lvling 1-70 that fast… They could actually prepare the new players…
Because I agree, and that’s what I said, new players can 1-2-3 rotation until lvl 70, and then randomly mobs hurt, they get weaker, but they have not familiarized themselves with their toolkit or spells.
Slow down lvling in a meaningful way, so each lvl means something, each new spell gives you the “uh, what does this do? Let me try!” rather than giving 10 spells at once…
I gave the example of killshot, for a new player, the mobs are dead faster than they probably realize that they can use it
Ah, ok, I appear to have misunderstood your general intent, it seemed to revolve primarily around the new expansion Leveleing and not so much the way there. My bad, need more coffee
This has always been one of my biggest gripes with WoW. There is never anything to hint or let you know whether something can be dispelled or spell stolen. There used to be a great addon for this but has since been abandoned and it was called SpellStealer aka Spell Steal Master. I sometimes wish somebody would pick up the project again and bring it up to date or even better for Blizzard to build this ability into the game and it auto loads for any class that can purge or steal spells.
Actually, specifically buffs that can be stolen/purged have a white outline under the unitframe and have had it for at least 10 years (if you´re on a class /race that can steal /purge them, ofc)… Back in TBC i would have to just randomly try spellstealing (Ah, ZA, that was fun…), but these days I see a white outline and their buff is either mine or gone
It may have been written a bit unclear…
But the reason I wanted the lvling gone in new expansions was to remove the “gogogo!!” mentality from the game… For me, it seems a majority of the playerbase that enjoys the new zones, expansions etc. are not doing it because they can go from 80 to 81, they do it for the story, the zone, the experience etc.
It’s (for me) obvious that Blizzard wants you to be at the end (current expansion), as fast as possible… boosts, fast lvling, experience buffs, etc. etc… So why not just say “Eyo, we will make lvling 1-80 meaningful, you will progressively get stronger with new spells” and teach players for when they hit max, rather than having them be 80, join a dungeon and they have no idea what 90% of thier spells do, and someone will go “omg low dps???” and kick them
I remember this from Cata and MoP specifically but somewhere along the line it just stopped for me. There then has to be something wrong with my frames because I never see anything that can be spell stolen on my mage nor what can be dispelled by my priest or purged by my shaman. Hence I always relied on Spell Steal Master, but like I said it has since been abandoned.
I also don’t want to get a degree in WA to learn how to use it and don’t really want to install it either as I prefer to be addon lite as possible. However, very now and then I go check there if anyone has made a WA for it but I don’t find it. So I don’t bother.
Still it would be more simpler if the dev’s just built it into the game and you could have that little moveable box that when you target a enemy it would indicate they have something that can be dispelled/stolen.
I’m going to be honest here:
As a colorblind player, that outline simply doesn’t exist…
Again, it is built in to the game, I use the standard UI with very little customization and less than 5 weakauras. Why it´s not displaying for you I do not know, it might be a checkbox in the interface setting somewhere that I set x years ago… But when I can spellsteal /BE AE purge /tranq shot /soothe something off a targeted mob /boss /player, i can tell that at a glance in the standard UI just by looking at the unitframe and the buffs underneath it.
Have you considered rerolling to human and not a colorblind race?
Sorry, just had to, I totally get how that could be an issue, and that´s exactly where WAs /addons need to be able to compensate.