Should WoW teach you how to play your class?

I guess should cause ppl are too lazy research anything on their own. Even 1min boss guides were too much for some in pve. Now playing with similar in pvp that do no research even on own spec. But how its implemented is the question. Some proving ground could do I suppose.

Nope, if that is what you got out of all my messages, I would encourage you to read them again. Because all I can say as a response is, no where near the same :slight_smile:

Do you want me to point out the differences from “back in the day” compared to now, or are you able to unbiasedly see the difference?

I feel like you already have your opinion, and your reply to me reeks of “Omg do you want Blizzard to hold your hand???”
Which is no where near what I wrote

If you want me to properly reply to you, stop trying to put words in my mouth or twist my words to try and force me to defend a stand point I never took. Ty

Absolutely, I did just now read your post and couldn´t agree more, I love leveling, never been much of an endgame player. I do the stuff on the Isle, get to ilvl 590ish and that´s it, might do a few delves for the kicks. But leveling is what keeps me going.

Having a major campaign where you go through the entire story of WoW would be fantastic, I bet a lot of old timers would enjoy that as well.

But yes, Blizzard would have to do something they have never done, to scale leveling and to have a skill progression that makes sense.

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Every game should and to me if you have to rely on 3th party sites to teach people how to play kind of a failed and lazy design.

That why i think that the proving grounds need a complete overall.

Instead of that requirement of having silver to queue for heroics having some cosmetic rewards could instead work.

That is indeed a very accurate description.

People are too lazy to do research on their own, would be better if they learn their classes from the game.

Leveling is too fast and easy for people to learn anything of their classes anymore.

Somesort of proving ground would be beneficial to accomplish before venturing into end game content.

That’s part of the problem on one side.
People don’t want to, nor should they do a PhD doctor thesis on understanding the intricacies of a class.

It’s a videogame.

Well thats your opinion, if you think the game is too hard in general then I guess you could make thread for it, this thread seem to be if game should teach people their own classes or not. Some people enjoy challenges in end game aswell however so there is many opinion on your presented opinion, on this threads matter I think the game should definitely teach them their own class before they enter end game content however.

And for the record I dont think watching 1min boss guide on youtube before entering m+ is too much to ask but ppl dont always do this either cause they dont care if someones key deplete or not as they got nothing in stake and they are lazy or simply dont care.

No, it’s exactly the problem, read my opening post in this thread.
The current game teaches you absolutely nothing about your class.
You just get tossed into the game with less than the bare minimum about your class.

I share the sentiment that was pointed out earlier: A game that needs to rely on external sources to teach you how your game works has a design problem.

None of this has anything to do with enjoying challenges.
Those can and should definitely be part of videogames. But that requires the player to actually have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes, and have all information available in said game. This is not the case for World of Warcraft.

It is. A good videogame design is to guide and aid the player as they overcome the challenge. World of Warcraft tries this with the new player experience, and the several tiers of difficulty and various pillars of the game.
The sad part is, it’s not working. It’s causing friction between the various pillars and even though the adventuring journal gives you an overview of the abilities, the way they are represented ingame is absolutely atrocious.

To give a counter example, FFXIV manages to give you difficulties across 3 tiers with the Ultimate raids being the top content WITHOUT ADDONS.
Why? because their markers are consistent, clear and obvious to understand in a moment’s notice.
World of Warcraft is a complete mess with its purple swirlies on a purple floor against a purple backdrop, and effects meaning different things based on the boss.

But I dont really want debate about what type the content there should be in the game as all can just play whatever they want and nobody is forcing anyone to play anything they dont want to, and I think its good there is many types of content for all to do in an mmo which purpose is have wide playerbase. Thread topic is wether the game should teach people their classes or not and my answer were yes, like these 4 peoples post before me who bumped old topic conveniently.

I dont like ffxiv, it lack any content I like in wow. But I dont mind if some ppl enjoy it or some aspects of it in wow, and people like different things.

I can see you would wish game would be simpler and class designs easier which I can agree that retail design is bloated on many aspects, I dont wish to debate or argue about the matter however if game shouldnt have aspects which people need to do research for as that were my post which you replied on. My content is pvp and I have to research every spec and their abilities of the game and there is ppl who dont even bother on their own so yes game should teach them then I guess.

New players who enter arena in wow get pwned to bits without have clue what happent, so for current content game should teach them more if they are too lazy to do research on their own which over half of pvp kinda is about research and knowledge. Changing the difficulty of end game is a different topic however, I can agree there is a lot on spec and content designs they could do better and with less.