SIGN-UPS CLOSED [RP - PVE Feralas Campaign] - The Monsoon War - 12/10 - 27/10

Character Name: Leysana Silverthorn
Contact (In-game Name): Leysana
Number: 1
Faction: Alliance

Character might change, but whatever the case it’ll be an Alliance character.

I think with the guild my character is with right now they count themselves as neutral. And even if I’d end up being the only one coming, that would change nothing. But … yeah. I would not mind saving some Tauren with the Horde ^^.

Kori’s Guild Leader here XD

Saving this post while I gauge interest in our guild to participate on the Horde Side.
I’ll update this post tomorrow evening, latest on Tuesday morning with our sign up details.

No way we are missing out on Events organized by amazing DMs :3

Guild Name/Character Name: The Dusktalons*
Contact (In-Game Name): Naeyas
Numbers: 4
Faction: Alliance

*our guild name is temporary atm, so might change prior to the event.

We’re happy to see so many people interested in the campaign. The list has been updated.

Unfortunately, we’re reaching full capacity for our small DM team. Therefore, signups are hereby CLOSED. The exception is the Horde which can still take a few more individuals but no full guilds.

Because of the heavy imbalance in numbers between Horde/Alliance, Neizja will be flexible and assist the Alliance DM’s when needed.

This only applies to people who want to participate in the DM’d events. Everybody is still welcome to participate in the camp and downtime roleplay surrounding the campaign.

The promised Discord link can now be found in the first post by Meladriss!


Character Name: X’ikwe
Contact: Xikwe
Numbers: 1
Faction: Horde

Ack, complicates things, wanted to bring 4 peeps along as guilde (we’re tiny).
I’ll get them to sign up individually then as Horde, and let the DMs sort it out.

So either:

Character Name: Keento
Contact: Keento
Numbers: 1
Faction: Horde


Guild Name: Moonlit Sandfox
Contact: Keento
Numbers: 4
Faction: Horde

If you’ve got the spots free for Horde

Guild Name/Character Name: Alliance Salvaging And Procurement
Contact (In-Game Name): Lochton
Numbers: 1-2
Faction: Profit Alliance

Queues for spots

Can offer a hand with DM’ing, if needed

Character Name: Torak
Contact (In-Game Name): Mizark
Numbers: 1
Faction: Horde

Oh, neat, if there’s still room for individuals from Horde then I’d love to join.

Character Name: Shoi-Sai
Contact (In-Game Name): Shoisai
Numbers: 1
Faction: Horde

Character Name: Malunara Venomsoul
Contact: Malunara
Numbers: 1
Faction: Horde

With that, we’ll be closing signups for the Horde.


Discord link:

So you do not need to scroll up.

Reminder: Those who only wish to join in camp RP are more than welcome to join as well.


Hi, for how long will the signups remain open? I am looking to check in with my guild to know the exact number of participants from us :slight_smile:

Hi! As written by Scythois above, the signups are sadly closed for both horde and alliance since yesterday, as we quickly reached capacity!


Hello everyone!

With the campaign’s start date a little under a month away, the DM team has been hard at work sorting out the final details. We even have a fancy trailer!

We hope you enjoy it and feel a bit more hyped up for the campaign.

Furthermore, we wish to remind everyone about the campaign discord!

This is where we will share all OOC/IC information relevant to the campaign events, and communicate with all the participants of the campaign. Those who simply wish to partake in casual/camp RP are more than welcome to join the server, but it is not mandatory. However, it will certainly help make it easier to find where most of us will be on a given night.

The Monsoon War is quickly approaching, and the DM team are still missing some guilds and individuals from our signup-roster in our campaign discord, which makes it a little challenging to plan the events on the DM-side. Anyone who has signed up for the campaign but is not in the discord by the end of this week will sadly have their spot rescinded. Depending on our waitlist situation, this might lead to new slots opening.


Absolutely killer trailer for what looks to be a most exciting and interesting campaign! Though I missed the sign ups I cannot wait to follow how friends experience this seemingly utterly epic tale in old lands that definitely deserve the attention!


That is one gorgeous trailer; that ogre army inside Dire Maul (?) is quite the shot! Kudos to everyone who took part in its creation!


Pity the sign ups closed before we could make our final decision on joining or not but you guys have fun looks like it’s going to be great.


There will be a lot of camp RP, feel free to join the discord and perhaps see if you want to join/make your own side missions