Silvermoon High MS?

Same issue.

Back down to 15 ms as of right now.

Still relevant post, issues maintain for weeks. Hopefully we can bump as many of these posts so they actually see and acknowledge this issue is not on their players end

This is an issue in overwatch too but they’re not doing anything about it there either. AMS1 is unplayable because of it in Overwatch. I have better ping to the US servers in OW because of these nodes.

I’m not from UK but Sweden and have the same issues with these nodes by blizzard in the netherlands.

I’ve the same problem as others as soon as it hits blizzards ips it goes nuts, It’s been like this from past week and this thread is 2weeks old they still haven’t fix this? and I’m paying for this every month?

I have had the same issue for days. For years I played with no problem, now it just lags I even go to 3000 ms. Blizzard is doing nothing