[Silvermoon] LF guild m+ and curve

Playing all classes but do main prot paladin atm (did just return after SL)!

Veteran in wow since i did start to play in 2005 so love to talk some nostlagia while we raid or push :sweat_smile:

I mainly look for calm/mature and chatty people to push KSH with! Have no problem to be you groups healer/dps either have all classes at lvl 70 with descent gear!

Do this sound like a person for your guild/community? Please let me know in the comments!

hey Duder I dont know if you would be interested in us at all?

We have people who do Low keys and a couple who are pushing keys (Tanks and Healer combo) as well as gathering dps to create our Heroic raid team.
Thanks Donz

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Hi, we are recruiting for our guild Ravenmane. We are new and did our first Raid as guild this week (2 days) progress for first time with new group is 9/9 N and 5/9 H. Not bad for a new and fresh start. Feel free to contact me for any questions.

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I will hit you up ingame! :slight_smile:

Sound like a good home on Silvermoon!

To bad that we dont have cross-server guilds yet :confused:

Okido, you are more than welcome