Silvermoon Tank Looking for a Guild

Reposted on the correct character


Hi Garydh,

If a realm change is an option for you, maybe you could consider Synfull on Dragonblight-EU?

Weโ€™re a guild that strive (and usually manage) to get AOTC each tier. Our usual raidnights are Monday and Thursday from 20:45 till 23:00-ish servertime. Friday nights are filled with M+, achievements, the casual alt run, sometimes a bit of PVP. Other nights are usually filled with M+ and if the numbers allow it some form of impromptu alt raid or whatever people feel like.

Would you be interested in having a chat with myself and one of the officers to get a feel for mutual expectations? If so, please feel free to add me on bNet; armandgrtn#2625, or discord; armandgrtn.

Looking forward to your response!

Best regards,


Hello :slightly_smiling_face: If you are still looking for a guild, we have a newer guild on Ragnaros that is focused entirely on having fun, meeting friends, helping one another, and enjoying the game. I understand this would require you to server transfer, and understand if that is not something you are looking to do :slightly_smiling_face:

If you wish to contact me, undertale22 on discord or HopesNDreams#2993 on bnet
Have a great day!


