Since when did the SW Harbour become Goldshire Lite?

Locking the full game experience behind a sub? WHO DOES THAT?!

NGL i’d probably cry if the locked my usage of addons behind the sub.

i kind of can’t play wow without at least mogit and altoholic.

but i’d get over it eventually.

Quickly hopping in to note that I am -not- a TRP-dev, for those who don’t click on the post.

Wait… so I shouldn’t have sent you an angry in-game mail about the new nameplates feature not working for Horde nameplates in neutral places?!


I am sorry Laurenn…

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He’s trying to cover his tracks. Break his legs.


We can use whispers and party chat!

The latter. I promise.

No… one of his arms is more effective.

All the more reason addons need to be banned from trial accounts.


AD SW is the biggest rp hub in all of EU. As such it is quite literally a mix of pretty much any kind of rper under the sun. You got your normal guy just chilling with his guildies, super edgelord power fantasy man, and of course hom o coomerus. It’s really just a dice roll everytime you go there.

It’s okay. Where can you contact the TRP devs, btw?

I recently attempted SW RP again. Within a week I saw a char off themselves because they were rejected, by someone they knew for three days. I saw demons and San’lyn alike walking around. - And to top it all off I was called a monster in whisper, when someone was blatantly trying to flirt with me and I took distance to get away from it. I quote from them: “You’re not even trying to make me feel special.”

A week was enough to remind me why I moved to Horde.

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Plenty of folk that are like this on Horde too, it’s just more noticeable on Alliance because of the population difference

I always remember that orc guy in Silvermoon that kept whispering female characters about being shrunk down and put into their shoes (literally) or another person that I don’t recall very well that whispered me on other characters several times (and contacted others I know too) in graphic detail about some manner of explicit “adventure” and what would allegedly happen at the end of it - it was always the exact same copy-and-paste message

I wish Horde were free of behaviour like this, but it isn’t … [sighs loudly and dramatically]


As a considerable Stormwind roleplayer, I still wait for the day that someone can give me a reasonable explanation why a San Layn would go for drinks in a hostile bar that is in the head City of the Alliance.
(For those taking the comment serious: there is none, go do Scourge RP somewhere else where it actually bloody fits)

*Disclaimer, bloody pun not intended


He’s moved to other cities now, last I heard. That or its a different guy with the same bizarre tastes asking the same thing in Orgrimmar and Stormwind.

Stormwind Lux, anyone?

Can’t a woman get some vitamin D? Geez…

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Same dude, bothering Nightborne ladies in Orgrimmar.

or was last time I saw him.

Hahaha he whispered me the same thing, a message so majestic and horrifying its been burned permanently into my brain;

“So what if my character needs to escape from the law, and uses magic to disguise himself as a leather insole! But your character doesn’t know this, and needs to fix her shoes so she glues him inside and walks on him all day!”

Suffice to say ten minutes later it was the best rp I’ve ever done.



Why would you willingly go to Stormwind, though? There’s better places for that.

That little extra zhuzh from the sun reflecting off of the tears of rejected ERP-ers really makes a difference. In all seriousness though, I’ve never set foot in Stormwind IC.