Since when did the SW Harbour become Goldshire Lite?

Dunno if its the same guy, but I had a similar request from a Demon Hunter


If we’re talking about the same dude, I met him on several of my characters a few years back. Luckily he always took no for an answer.

Oh I got that one when I first arrived on AD! I did not know about wild ERPers outside Goldshire and fetish so I was mostly very confused.

Wild Shoes Fetichist: Hey nice TRP! :slight_smile:
Me, new, first time writing a TRP in english: Thanks! :smiley:
WSF: Would you like to go on an adventure in RP?
Me: Sure? Tell me more?
WSF: So what do you think of potions to get smaller?
Me, looking at Narmë, already 1m65: You know, I don’t think she needs to get smaller than that…

And I think I confused him as well at that point by answering innocently.


I fell for one of those when I first started playing on AD, blissfully unaware of, well, anything up to that point.
When I had to google what “member” meant outside of RuneScape I realized this was not the fun adventure I had expected.


As I have said quite recently;

Hide your Nightborne ladies, foot fetish has moved onto them.

Step on me, like you step on your wine grapes :wink:


That is his actual fetish.

As a warlock I have no interest in shoeman.

He has no sole.


Stormwind has been Goldshire lite for a few years now. It’s just started reaching critical mass.

It started with people with normal profiles linking me f*ta alt versions of art in their TRP unprompted.

Then Lion’s Rest was added and despite being mostly a war memorial and a dissapointment compared to the original park, it still attracted tons of people looking for a cutsie date and it inevitably devolved into much more erotic activity. (One time saw people snogging next to the wall with the dead names… Classy).

Harbour is more distant and less used. So no surprise it’s being used to try and avoid attention. Only thing that can be done is to flood it with normal RP. They abandoned Goldshire because nowadays it’s more trolls than ERPers. We just have to make the harbour more RP than ERP.

People need to start pushing that trash out.


I want trial accounts to go extinct.

99% of them are used by ERPers and OOCers. They are also used to get around permabans.


There’s a large number of roleplayers who use trials to spam Primastic Shard on them to maintain the appearance, so removing trials would actively harm those character.

We’d lose Birb. :frowning:


On the contrary, even as someone who spends a lot of time role-playing, I wish the trial system was more liberal and you were able to do more without a running subscription. I hate paying a subscription just to role-play. Not being able to do most recent expansion content and having hard limits put on your gold or xp/level would be fine. Like yeah, I suppose there’d be more wiggle room for trolls and degenerates too but at the end of the day, there’s no point in losing out on huge positives for everyone because a small minority abuse them.

These people do not need to be able to use addons on the trials, though.


Yes, I understand where you and Cilestine are coming from.

I guess it comes down to, again, a harsher stance on trolls and ERPers. Something we are very unlikely to get.



Oh yeah no, I am in full support of not letting trials have addons. I simply do not want the trials to be permanently removed.

Have the mature language filter be always enabled on trial accounts with no option to disable it.


I met one of them at Westbrook Garrison during the big pre-patch Scourge invasion stuff, he was pretty cool and got stuck in with the RP.

I think that’s part of why he’s still around. Instead of becoming a universally reviled pushy git he’s become this server curiosity with a bizzare sort of nostalgic charm regarding the many years of absurdity that so many have encountered. It’s weird but inoffensive compared to some other cases.

Well they do seem adverse to wearing any kind of shoes in canon so what does he stand to gain?

Oh lord…

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As said, his actual fetish is being stepped on, so i suppose he could glue himself to the bottom of their foot?