Skimpy Outfits Pretty Please

No… more like a long coating thingy, as in it covers one’s body all the way to the knees (I don’t know its proper name unfortunately, but I hope you get it!). I do have this cape though :smiley:


Yes please. I wanna show off my furpuppys


there is one game we can see stuff like proper thigh high boots and skirts
wont spoil which one
but its for winning a coffer that drops from a raid when you kill the last boss
the superior version of black mageweave legs has matching boots(thigh high+heels combo) gloves
and the whole set is cosmetic

and i still have the old wod screenshot which shows the bloodscale legs looking better on my female blood elves than right now
what caused the change or was it when they changed the old to new models?

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Wrong game, Skyrim forums are this way :arrow_heading_up:

I’m obviously missing something, but I don’t get this at all. The armour is supposed to protect me and skimpy outfits are no protection at all.


You know, guys deserves skimpy outfits too!


Im a woman in RL too. I don’t feel comfortable wearing too skimpy outfits myself but I have no objections to ppl who want to dress skimpy.
Everyone should be able to wear want they want without harasment or comments from others.
Im all for more tmog choices and very much for removing all tmog restrictions


Not everyones RP’s in the game.

Some just want their character to look nice.

Swtor is probably the only game where i genuinely RP tho, But that’s only when it comes to Hoth… i change my character to winter gear when going there.

On the other hand, freedom of movement is a very good deffense
Especially in a world where magical attacks and weapons are a thing
Its better to dodge a fireball than take one for the team in the chest… in an armour made out of steel or iron or any other metal. Its not fun to be stuck in your very own werable private oven… nor fridge, if it was a frost spell
Robes wont protect you from anything… volley of arrows? A warrior’s sword? dragon?
Nor leather for that matter, when you fight with a spider size of a minibus or some god-know-what with sharp tallons, acidic salvia, fangas and whatever breath, posion or disieas that thing have? Yep…
Actually in almost all situation, I think, less the better
Those Spartan soldiers, amazon warriors, Viking berserkers, the most badasss warriors of the time? They were almost naked…
Its an uneven fight anyway, you might as well be comfortable

My eyes still go ouchy, Hoth was so bright… :snowflake:


Nah, I want gear that looks awesome. Not a fan of skimpy stuff.

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Well, understandable, Trolls are not beauty pageant runner ups so… :thinking:

One option does not eliminate the other.

We can have it as a toggle option (like how we can have different shoulders on each shoulder) or just add 2 different variants (like how ele/resto has a dress for most old sets, while enhancement have pants)

I rarely, almost never wears my only skimpy outfits but I see nothing wrong without ppl who want to wear stuff like that and even skimpier. In ff14 you have bikinis … and I dont see it as a sexual thing.
It’s just a matter of taste and imo it should not be restricted


Sexy pixels make the world a better place.

Almost every race nowadays have tattoos, war paints, markings, even arm jewelry, but it doesn’t matter if 95% of all gear in the game hides everything :unamused:

We really could use Blizzard return to the “the less the better” philosophy for gear. And that should include males too.


Let’s not forget how silly it is to use plate armor when Shamans can hit you with lightning, in that case the armor would just serve as a nice conduit for the electricity.


At least now that country that must not be mentioned is cutting off gaming hours from it’s youth, maybe Blizzard, seeing a possible loss of market, won’t try as much to appease their “too sexual” agenda that has been the basis for “unskimpfying” so many characters in the company products, and that, hopefully will give more freedom for Blizzard to design some nice skimpy outfits.


… weird lol.

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Well said Landrien! Couldn’t have said that better!



Oh yeah, gunpowder, bullets, stuff that made mail and plate armor obsolete, we got that in the game aswell, and much worse stuff!