Skullcrusher (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Hey Rigono, thanks for asking them!

Thundershock + myself will probally make a new Power Overwhelming guild on Golemagg. U can add me if you want: Beargrillz#2694

We got a prot warrior tank: Ragnus & me going healbot on priest: Babylon ^^
So any DPS is more then welcome on our road to level 60 :slight_smile:

Name: Marocc
Class: Hunter
Race: Orc
Guilds: Violent by Design, Blackout, Last Resort

Name: Cantgetright
Class: Druid
Race: Tauren

Hi Zet, where is our 3rd musketeer Maliance ?

Name: Destiny
Class: Rogue
Race: Undead
Guilds: So many of them, cant remember names :frowning:

Lightseeker, tauren shaman on horde. Impact / Blackrock Mining Co. Just curious to see who is coming back

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Name: Gekke
Class: Priest
Race: Troll

Guild: Different and one more but i forgot the name

movie from hercs the sexy cow

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Name: Cayene
Class: Warrior
Race: Tauren
Guild : Different

Name: Druty
Race: Tauren
Class: Druid
Guild: All i remember is my guild died late vanilla/early tbc, while some went into “The End” that also died.

Name: Caligra
Race: Undead
Class: Rogue

Guild: Calyx Clan (Lautaro, Danygirl, Seargant, Glopken), and then later Hell

@Caligra: Hey! I still remember playing with you in Hell. :slight_smile:

@Stormbird Wow, that is so crazy haha! I cant really remember your name unfortunately, although Tinkerbéll does sounds familiar!

What server are you aiming for in classic? Do you know if anyone else from the “old guard” is making a return? :slight_smile:

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Yes, some are still playing and I’m actually in a guild with the norwegian guys on retail. :smile:
I’ll be Horde on Gehennas, some former Hell members will be Alliance on Firemaw.
Just add me on bnet: Storm#2574


Name: Mordur
Class: Warlock
Race: undead

Guild: Power Overwhelming (vanilla & tbc till i took a 6 year break from the game)

Not sure if i’ll return to classic, what gametime I have is being invested in BFA, just wanted to shout out to all PO people here, good to see the name still lives on!

If anyone wants a chat: Mordur#2301

Hey Makaay, I still remember trying to keep our trigger-happy rogues alive :smiley:
AO is alive and kicking at Twisting Nether, but I kinda lost interest after Wotlk.

Name: Tohtori
Class: Priest
Race: Troll
Guilds: Archaic Order, Morningcrew

Will probably dabble into classic as prot warrior which has been my main since TBC, but only casually as I barely have time to play any games these days.

Hey dude, I honestly don’t remember if we played together but I was in Morbrish Order with a bunch of other Macedonians (Bloodtear, Heronea, Rsdrs, Lazzo, Dizzo etc. etc.). Rolling on Gandling tomorrow. :slight_smile:

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Name: Dnxkilla/Azorius
Race: Tauren
Class: Warrior

Guild: Morbrish Order and Ravens

Hey Stormbird, remeber you very well from tbc with ravens good to see your still around :slight_smile:

Hey to you aswell Venatik, i remember u from MO im probably rolling firemaw server

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Name: Heersbeest/Pristy and a few other characters
Race: Undead
Class: Warlock, Priest
Guild: 5137, Method and then settled in Morbrish Order

Hey Dnx, Venatik and others, cool to see you all here :smiley: I just rolled on Firemaw as Heersbeest. Feel free to add on Bnet Heersbeest#2150

Just found a ton of videos on YouTube from I think Priba(?) with a lot of MO first kills, haha. Good times. If you know if Bloodtear and those folks are playing, please let me know. I am not sure if any of the NL crew is playing (perhaps Gromgor, I’ll ask).

Name: Headstealer / Gospod

Class: Orc Hunter/Pala in TBC

Names: Kamia Undead Priest / Maunia Tauren warrior / Sethie bloodelf paladin (Skullcrusher in vanilla, Tarren Mill in TBC, don’t remember what I did after that).

Would love to reconnect with: Mardis, Augon, Cepo, Heersbeest, Daeira, Laz, Bunnymeat, Coco, Agathul, Merc, Sarabella and pretty much anyone else from back on vanilla.

I’m currently playing on Flamelash under this name.

Name: Thernody / Thern
Race: Tauren
Class: Shaman / Druid

Guild: The end, ravens

Stopped playing for real in wotlk. but was pritty active in vanilla / tbc.

I kinda remeber stormbird / tinkerbell
