Slow loading assets

But assets are loaded from your personal PC. Thats why migrating to an SSD makes a huge improvement.

but stillā€¦ the problem isnt solved with an ssd :slight_smile:
i already have an ssd for i dunno how many years on a what others say, monster :wink:

Iā€™ve had this issue for a few years now, since Legion if I remember correctly. I remember quite a distinct point in which it started, as if the problem was introduced in a specific patch.

Iā€™ve read so many threads about it over the years, the only thing that ever improved the situation was completely uninstalling/installing the game. However, over time it gradually gets slower and slower. I have to practically avoid Oribos at busy times as the loading takes so long the game almost becomes unplayable. Itā€™s very annoying.

Iā€™ve tried some of the other suggested fixes by they never work.


Yep, same here.

This very old thread has been repeatedly bumped and necroā€™d. Please donā€™t do that. If you have an issue, you should create a new thread.