So about the worgen heritage armor.. What we could have had

Just wanted to share this amazing work by RoccusModding and show that much more is possible than what we got. Maybe Blizz could still reconsider and maybe even work with talented people like this guy to make it happen…
But I sadly doubt it.


Once again a lone fan is better at designing things that the players want than the actual Blizzard devs.



I’m not a fan of the tail but love the armour


#notmyworgen #dontaddtails #notlorefriendly
but the set is good yes and its basically what we should of had to begin with.


I already have a worgen I took from 1-120 by playing. Do I get this armour or do I have to do all that again?

Afaik all you need is to be exalted with Gilneas and be level 120(or was it 110?) that’s all.

I couldnt see anything about that online. I have a goblin to. cant wait to check it out now. cheers.

Female worgen heritage tophat should be changed into hat that gwen armstead wears

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The tail looks so wrong tho… It doesn’t quite fit in.

Hecc no, I want my tophat. >:(

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According to wowhead:-

With the first 8.3 build being accessible on the PTR. we have played through the Worgen Heritage Armor scenario. Like other non-Allied Races, you will need to be a level 120 Worgen who is exalted with Gilneas to be able to start this questline.

Quoted from

i wish blizzard would change it into this armor instead and i know that this armor is just a copy of genn greymanes master skin from hots but who cares our current heritage armor looks like some old army dude tryin to look fancy while also showing off his ranking in the army at a ball. its doesnt looks suited for combat with the rose on the chest and the top hat. while the gear you showed that is some combat ready gear!

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you get so black golden fancy gear and not the gear that Tindorn showed us and no you dont have level a new worgen. you just have to be a worgen at max lvl and exalted with gilneas to start the heritage armor quest line

that looks alot better than the original one!

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Same, i want worgin tails but meh they seem out of place

The heritage armor made me hard though!

Cold shower for you! :shower:



100% agreed. The tail here is extremely off-putting, but that armor is loads better than the one Blizzard has on the PTR.

I do hope they’ll consider adjusting the design a little. It’s too flashy right now, especially given the gloomy aesthetic of Gilneas.


Damn, don’t really like the tail but that armor man

Thankyou for the information there.

Tail is … NO NO NO NO.