Because WoW used to use the old fashioned american standards.
They’re changing.
Maybe we’ll get the option for other dwarves some time in the future.
Options are good. I personally wouldn’t use that particular option, but having it around is never a bad thing imo.
Bearded female dwarves were in the cancelled [but you can still play it off abandonware sites] “Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans” from the 90s, which was homage to Lord of the Rings’ origin of them 70 years ago today.
So apparently dwarvenkin have had beards for both body types through centuries across many fantasy settings, it is fitting they have given it as option for the earthenkin
Yeah, I play human and Kul Tiran only and both have beards so it’s kinda shocking to me that some piece of rock with boobs has a thicker beard than me.