So done with unbalanced populations

I’m sorry but you keep denying and denying again the fact that all the server arn’t balanced. It’s starting to get boring, and I’ll probably stop reply.

For least and last.
It is NOT possible on my server to “have fun in 1v1” anymore because of the huge lack of balance between horde and alliance in Maghtderidon.
So no, on this kind of server, there is NO “different playstyles”.

The only one I describe in my comment, you answered “group up, it’s the way Savage Pvp is” so the playstyle “I’m” talking about is not mine, but yours. The one you kept telling me to go.

I kept saying it’s not the one I like, that I liked my old playstyle based on 1v1s, even if I didn’t mint getting killed by a group of players as long as it wasn’t recurrent, and you kept saying “group up”.

You see the struggle ? Now you’re making a 360° and saying there are different playstyles when it’s convenient.
Maybe on your server NOT IN MINE. As I said many times. As I said in my first post. As it is the SUBJECT of this topic.

But, in wm you are not on that server. Only when wm off are you on your server. WM on, you’re on one of many cross realm ‘shards’, not your server. Faction balance varies from shard to shard, we all experience fluctuating imbalance. Your server’s faction balance is not relevant. According to our wm survey, most players feel outnumbered half the time or less.

There’s solo or grp, that’s two different playstyles. I love solo and grp. I have no trouble finding 1v1 on wm shards, don’t see why it would be hard for anyone else. Just follow solo players.

You want wpvp to adapt to your playstyle, not gonna happen.

Well then, if it’s the shard themselves which are fcked, then I think I’ll just download a video maker, and upload a random Azshara session.

I want wpvp to be back at what it was. And back then, both playstyles were allowed. Mine, and the current one.

Just realized I’m calling Nazjatar Azshara for some reason.
Everytime I said Azshara I meant Nazjatar.

This post doesn’t make any sense. For starters, Magtheridon was not a PvP Server; It was PvE. Secondly, Magtheridon has the most even A/H distribution of any English-Speaking server.

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Hmm… interesting.

Yep, you’re right, my Monk is on Ysondre. Totally my mistake there. This Rogue has been created at the end of Legion.

But even if you can replace Maghtderidon by Ysondre in every post concerning below BfA, it doesn’t change a thing about Balance Population on WM on.

Ah ok, no worries; That had me really confused :laughing:

WM definitely does have a balance problem, but it’s sharding’s fault rather than an inherent flaw in WM itself. Fixing sharding should in theory fix WM. For some reason as it stands it seems to only ever shard raid groups in with solo players of the other faction.

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