So frustrated at the bnet updating wow

This is happen so frequently. Several times weekly. My bnet are updating wow and it taking so much time from me. The update can stay in initializing mode for 30-45-60 min. I understand the game needs updates. But this is just frustrating at this point. If I play 4 times a week the game needs update 3 times.

Is there a way to avoid this crap?


It takes 2 minutes tops for me.
There’s some articles on how to troubleshoot it.


There is some issue with launcher itself. I had this this morming too and last week with communicate "other download pending " or something.

Once IT goes to initialization then its super fast for me. Just to push it there is a massacre.

It Has likely something to do with the nonsense advertising they put into launcher. I wish i coupe just run wow by itself With upgrades without their nonsensical launcher


my update was only a few seconds o.O

Good for you, clearly not everybody is so lucky.

I usually get 5mins of initializing and a few seconds of actually updating.


this one time, I was just stuck on initialising and some people would go on the forums to complain about it which the mods were not helpful at all.

I left it for 2 months or so (I only came when bliz did that free-to-play promotion thing) and wala, they fixed whatever they broke.

Same for me but it is not really 5mins just feels like it. Takes a while to initialize then downloads super fast but reclaiming/cleanup takes a bit longer than initializing. For me it s like a total 7mins.

I’d recommend starting with this one, out of that list:-

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there’s definitely an issue on your bnet or something because it takes only a few minutes for me , send a ticket to seek support on that or maybe we can help with it, not sure how tho

Mine does like to hang around not starting for 5-10 mins.

When it’s really stuck, best solution I have is close the launcher, open task manager; find everything related to battlenet, including update agents and kill all of them. Re-launch the launcher. Probably work “quicker” now. But sometimes still takes time. After a complete restart of all related processes, just wait.

I honestly don’t think it’s user error at this point, it should not be necessary to re-start the processes in order to have them “just work”.

When I see this I close the launcher and re-open it, this usually resolves this issue. If it doesn’t then I launch the game using the WoW.EXE directly.

I’m not sure why the game even needs a launcher, I’m sure it was capable of self-updating before the wow launcher was a thing. (and if I’m wrong, it’s a long time ago and my memory sucks) I know other games have self-patched without a launcher.

What was wrong with the pre-steam solution of just running games from the start menu

I am more annoyed when I come from WotLK Leveling trying to log-in for the hourly goblin of

and then there is a Retail update.

Mine updates frequently as well; almost daily.
It takes a matter of minutes for me tho, but still quite eyebrow raising since I am sure it does not fix or change anything as my boyfriend sitting next to me does not have the same frequent updates.

I will go through the thread of suggestions to see if anything can fix this for me; just wanted to chime in that I also have a similar issue.

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