So, more Connected Realms were promised at Blizzcon 2019?

3 months later, what ever happened to the promise to look at low pop realms. Here’s the direct quote from Ion.

Ion, Yes! Yes that is something we absolutlety need to do. We have the Cross Realm grouping that helps with a lot of our gameplay. It’s not an adequate answer if you’re looking to do mythic raiding, or if you want a server economy that can support that and other things. We haven’t taken a look at balancing our realm populations in the recent past, and it’s something we need to do very soon. I can’t give you an exact timetable but it’s somthing I’m going to bring up with our server team and see what we can do in the next week when we get back to the office. I’ll bring it up in the next week and we’ll do it as soon as we can.


Send him a message


The community keep bumping the biggest dead servers thread to keep the discussion current as well.

I’m disappointed that after saying he was off to speak to the server team, there has been no update since.


Perhaps if we all tweet him. If there is one thing they love more than Server Transfer fee’s, it’s Social Media.

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I would rather see server merges actually, okay there might be a few names caught in the crossfire, but whats the big deal? Most of those names are probably not even actively used anymore.

Its very depressing to see that long list of low pop servers, and not to mention the confusion for a new player picking their realm to roll on. Also there is a confusion as to what server is linked to what server. I’m lucky enough to mainly play on a non-linked realm. But i hate that when i play some alts on lower pop realms that i have to look up what server is linked to what server.

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