So much love for Warriors

People bring up Arms burst AoE but other than that they are in a bad spot. ST damage is terrible and we have no utility skills at all. I mean in PvP we need a healer or we’re a sitting duck. If i wasnt so stubborn I would have switched to fury already.

I don’t know what to say. Can’t completely agree with you that warrior gameplay was always only simplistic. Forgive me if my examples to follow are a bit dated, most of my WoW experience is from WoTLK.

  • Back when stance-dance was a thing , that put a skill-check on warrior gameplay. The noob/newb could play the simplistic version, while the better players who didn’t just pick warrior because of its simplicity could do so much more in PvP
  • Rage management in PvE! Watching your swing timer, using your ‘next melee’ abilities only at certain rage levels or you starve yourself by the time primary dps ability comes off CD (Hi there, rage-costing BT/WW)
  • A noob/newb would not know to efficiently use the 3 stacks of old Recklessness (use WW only on last stack or it will consume 2)

I’m sorry I digress, but clearly there were ways in which warrior players could separate themselves from the noobs/newbs. Or rather there were ways that newbs could gradually learn and upgrade themselves in terms of Warrior gameplay.

This base class and ‘meant for beginners’ theory shouldn’t be stopping designers from giving warriors tools to be at-par with the classes that exist today.

I quit the dps warrior spec when they decided to change arms from simple but fun ( which was how it mostly have been for the spec ) to brain dead passive damage.

I think warrior’s issue, specifically now is more design wise than numbers wise.

There is so little you can do in comparison to others, a warrior could have many niches to it if u want to stay to spec flavor yet we don’t see any of it.

You should as a dps warrior be able to intervene friends, negate damge, knock down enemies, demoralize enemies, disarm enemies, sweep away/in enemies etc etc but somehow it doesn’t fit " each class has to have it’s own niches " catogary.

Have fun passing an outlaw’s rogue dps when it’s supposed to be your " niche " in aoe, hell fire mages, dhs, ret paladins and sometimes even dks pass u in the category while providing 5 times as much utility and self sustenance as you do. it’s ridiculous.

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Dont worry, my mistaken in words! It has become the simplistic. More evident with the pruning but it’s steadily got that way.

Older designs of specs have to be looked at with the context of how WoW was back then. A lot, if not all classes were needlessly tiresome in one form or another. Warrior was still there to be entry level.

nice trolling

More damage on Execute and self sustain please.
We’re down there with frost DKs when it comes to single target, and the only thing that saves us from the bottom of the barrel in M+ is the Lord of War trait.

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