So the NE aren't getting their capital back ?

I think it all boils down to execution rather than just which race is behind this.

Look at the nighborne, one of the better and most fun story lines was theirs, and they are all of the regular " Elf :tm: "

And tbh, I don’t see elf bias as much as people like to portray, blood elfs barely have character and development, people often overshadow that because they’re one of the most popular races.

If a race was executed well it would be liked, like the goblins, regardless of how many people play them, I LOVE undeads and orcs, yet I’m only playing Blood Elfs atm.

So my reply to you is that it’s not about we got bored of exploring elven ruins, rather their execution is poor and repetition of cliches for them is rather high.

Sure there are plenty of races, but wanting a race to be represented just because will only leave a poor taste in people’s mouths.

One of the reasons I love goblins is because where ever there is money, dirty tradework and secrets they are there which suits them, they should never be in the spot light and being sort of in the back ground suits them best, kinda like Sylvannas, now that her char is in the spotlight many people started hating her.

One of the reasons I hated the idea of a Tinker class is that would be soo much forced just to please some fans, it doesn’t make sense. Think of an expansion like Shadowlands or Oldgods and stuff then you got this goblin hero in the spotlight and we gotta explore a goblin trade hub… to unluck some goblin/gnome only class.

This is also kinda why I dislike mechagon ( don’t get me wrong I love the aesthetics and how it plays out is fun for a while but ) it’s absolutely unrelated in 8.2, mechagon imo would’ve been the perfect 8.3.5 aftermath and link to 9.0 content.

Peace is there, people are rebuilding / exploring and oh we found an island with interesting stuff let’s go explore.

But that’s just my opinion on the matter :smiley:

I think WoW is supporting forest pyromancy, it is not cool.


They may be given a bigger tent?

Ironforge? Black forge?

“Did you just assume…?” :innocent:

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Ahaha sorry that was meant to be shadowforge city.

Although the assuming part would’ve been “big” forge. :open_mouth:

Also Gnomeregan. And Undercity. Both are ofc little bit… needing clean up… but they are nevertheless cave cities.

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Ironforge is more of a mountain city. I’m talking about a straight down in the ground cave city!


They can’t make a den a city, it would end up like undercity.

There are a lot of Night elf borough dens or caves actually. But they’re mostly for druids.

I kinda want the Worgen to settle back in Gilneas and invite the Night elves to take refuge there and build a new home there or on the outskirts of the city. Would be a nice reversal. There is also a big cave outside of Gilneas that housed almost every sane Worgen (The cave where they did the ritual to balance themselves I mean), that cave could probably also house the Night elves.


Blockquote There are a lot of Night elf borough dens or caves actually. But they’re mostly for druids. I kinda want the Worgen to settle back in Gilneas and invite the Night elves to take refuge there and build a new home there or on the outskirts of the city. Would be a nice reversal. There is also a big cave outside of Gilneas that housed almost every sane Worgen (The cave where they did the ritual to balance themselves I mean), that cave could probably also house the Night elves.

that Would require Blizzard to give two sh*ts about the Alliance which after a decade was proven wasn’t the case.
just be glad Shadowlands is a neutral Expansion because then we atleast get some decent content

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Oh you poor bullied person

Dark iron tree and thicc DI babe druids or riot

The Problem is, that Bloodelves were ruined when the sunwell was repaired. The Addiction made them special. Now they are regular, boring Highelves again. Everything is fine, they are a „people on the rise“.

I really liked how the Blood elves were portrayed pre-Sunwell rebirth. Especially Blood elf paladins and how they instead of worshipping the Light like other paladin races, they commanded the Light for their own. They were pretty unique, now they’re just like any other paladin race.

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I like how BE in WC3:FT were portrayed in comparison to WC3:RoC the Highelves. With the Manaaddiction they had to face unique challenges as a Civilization but also as Individuals. But before they were good light believers and mages because life was easy. The same thing goes past sunvell cleansing. Now they are good citizens again. They don’t have to do questionable things to fulfill the addiction. They are back at being boring elves again.

With everyone dying and living in theshadowlands next expansion, thatgives Blizz like 4 years tothink about a solution…

Newhome Nazjatar type? :joy::rofl::joy:

Tree would not burn if they would have Mages~ that could actually use all this water around it.

Your anti-mage culture burned your home :rofl:

Plenty of water around if someone tries to burn it then :rofl: