Bought pretty much everything, leveled a ton of alts to 80 I started during remix I would have done more but I just got super bored of running the same dungeon over and over, and ended up with a lot of TW badges.
Luckily we are getting a new level event now so I can continue
Every mog. I think I forgot to buy the mounts, but I would never have used them anyway.
Only levelled one character; a frost DK that I started during Pandaria Remix. It’s like ilvl 580 and been stood by the vendors ever since hitting 80, transferring in all the event currency so no other characters had to go there. Also did all the quests and got the Detective title last sunday
Still disappointed about the state of the raid when it came out. Tried it a couple of times on the first week, finished on normal, gave up on heroic, never been back. Hope Blizzard learn their lesson about tuning being critical if they want people to engage.
At first i just went for the corehound & hatespark.
Then i ignored the event entirely.
Siren isle gets launched with cool transmogs.
Farm the 3 bosses for the new currency & get 2 bronze every kill.
After hours of farming i decide to have a little peek at my bronze count only to find a nice 200-300.
Bought all of the new transmog sets & converted the rest to badges.