So wheres Papal Fez from the badge vendor?

we wont get it :frowning:

terrible news everyone: no papal fez today

any news regarding papalfez?

Its comming to the shop 90 eur.

Don’t give them ideas!

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eh, 9 Eur it is then

oh boy, wish we had papal fez at badge vendor

a new day, a new papa, a new fez no

Would be nice with a little Papal Fez right about now
*wink wink nudge nudge*


the night is soon upon us,
and theres no papal
who could fez our head

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give us papal fez today

nobody has papalfez anymore

I love the smell of Papalfez in the morning.

christmas is over and we have 0 papalfez

2025 is here, but papal fez nowhere to be seen

imagine not being able to transmog to papalfez

Ion bated you all and it worked.

im glad they didnt add it

its worth like 5 million gold on AH