SOD whishlist

I’m not sure if taking something as iconic as summoning from locks is a good idea.

QoL is good but not in the way where we replace iconic class abilities with something like objects etc.

sod is dead …

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Qiraji insignia’s. now sitting on 27 with nothing to do with them. how about a portal key that buyable with them. requires exalted. cost say 50 insignia’s.

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PLEASE ADD BARBER! It’s SoD, it wont hurt. Please! It would add so much favor and lifespan :smiley:

fix warlocks so destro is at least playable in p7

On the tail end of some minor drama, it was suggested that Curse of Recklessness is baked into Mark of Chaos. I think this is a very good idea!

It’s awkward to do it in a raid running only two demo/ruin locks. Wasn’t that bad for me being the assigned recker when I was playing destro, but that spec has dropped off a very tall cliff unfortunately.

Otherwise, much love, I think SoD is super-duper fun!

100% agree with you on all the points you highlight. il have to add mine like xmog npc. plus the one for account wide for rep is must i don’t wanna go trough same pain on 2 3 characters.