Solo rating reward!

No. It doesn’t.

It’s because of the specific MMRs of everyone in the shuffle you were in, including your own MMR.

no that cant be right i played many games against ppl with higher mmr and cr then me and match mmr was higher to but i still did not gain anything for winning 4+
there is something completely wrong whit that system

in normal arena you get cr if you win against enemies in a match with a mmr close to yours thats not the case in soloshuffle

I never played rated PVP because I was never able to find teams and I hate using Discord.

Solo Queue is great because I can finally play rated PVP.


No, it’s right. What matters is everyone’s MMR, and more importantly which rounds that you won. For example, if you’ve got 1500 CR and 1500 personal MMR, and win 3 rounds when you’re against the opponents’ average team MMR of 1700, but then lose the next 3 rounds when the opponents’ average team MMR is 1500, then you’ll end up winning more rating than you lose, despite having gone 3/3 in w/l.

In other words, you get rating at the end of the shuffle like that, with just 3 wins.

The MMR you’re facing changes from round to round, keep that in mind. Also, when you end with Rating unchanged after a shuffle, it means you won exactly as much rating as you lost from those 3 wins and 3 losses, or 4 wins and 2 losses, or whatever. It all depends on the MMRs of people in the shuffle.

no you dont : htt ps://
i saw even worse examples but need to search screenshot
im not sure but i play other games with a similar bs mmr system like that for example csgo and exacly that happen there to

Yes, you do. You really do lack a fundamental lack of understanding of the rating system. It’s exactly as I’ve described.

Or if you want a more “official” source (although it’s not like they explain much since they are keeping it intentionally vague):

^ What that means, is exactly what I’ve told you already. They’re just using simpler language without as much details in order to make it easier to understand for the masses.

you say that to everybody but you seem to lack of playing this system xD end see what happen in reality

everybody in my screenshot should get cr with your theorie but they dont we are all in the same range in which you would get cr in a normal arena match even if its 1 point but you get zerooooo and that happen to other even with 4 or 5 wins

the mmr system is just a algorithm nothing perfect yesterday for example it explode the whole lfg system

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CS:GO also uses the Glicko systems (and likely developed it further on their own, same as what Blizzard has done since wotlk).

No, they shouldn’t. You don’t even understand what you’re told. Sorry, but this is turning dumber with every post you make.

:man_facepalming: :person_facepalming: You need to look up a function called “Ratings Deviation” and check out the Glicko systems. What you just said in that quote is just so ignorant of the subject matter, it’s unbelievable.

edit: okay i think i know what you mean but then thats still bad because you cant see the hidden personal mmr not in cs and not in wow

im going to read into that before i talk more xD im dh pls understand

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Good, but you should also keep in mind that the rating system Blizzard uses in WoW now (they’ve used it ever since the original WotLK expansion) is an adaption of the Glicko systems, and then further developed on their own. So I tend to call WoW’s system as an “original adaption” of the Glicko systems.

okay i think i start to understand if i play against much higher rated opponents my deviation increase right?
how do i get out of this then? because for example in csgo it dosent matter which rank i play i get in matches like this: ht tps://
i just want to play against players that are rly in that rank and not other ranks like in the screen how can i avoid that? do i rly have to play bad on purpose?

and some other very strange things happen there to me to … one time i lost 8 or more matches and won one single match and ranked up lol? why? i want to understand so i can avoid that xD

so did i understand it correct for example in that screenshot all players are in the same rating but not same rank?

It’s a bit oversimplified, but yeah.

To accomplish that, you must “stabilize” your rating.

Pretty much every PvP rating system’s ultimate purpose, is to quantify people’s abilities relative to every other rated person.
So what makes a stabilized rating, and what makes a destabilized rating, is the win rate. A rating system becomes more and more certain that your rating is accurate, the more you win and lose at the same rating range.

For example, let’s say you’ve got a stable rating at 1000. But you’ve improved and start winning 2 wins for every 1 loss. That tells the system that it’s not where you belong, but it’s not too far away from where you belong, so it becomes a little more destabilized. In other words, it tries to increase your MMR to a point where you get 1 win for every 1 loss. But it does so gradually.

However, the larger your win streak is, the more destabilized the rating becomes. For example if you’ve got 10 wins in a row with no losses whatsoever, then the MMR will keep climbing faster than usual since it wants to find the range where you start to lose.

Once it then has found where you start to lose, then it’ll keep making you lose less per loss since your MMR is so much higher than your CR, while also winning more per win since you’re beating opponents with much higher MMR than your CR.

Once your CR then catches up to your MMR, it starts to even out the amount of rating won and lost every time, since then the opponents’ MMR won’t be higher than your CR and MMR.
That’s when it has become stabilized again, and where you keep getting 1 win for every 1 loss.

The most stabilized state for the matchmaking, is when it finds the rating where you literally win 1, lose 1, win 1, lose 1, in that order, over and over again to the end of time. The more games you play, the more certain it becomes.

so for example in that screenshot everbody is in the same mmr but not same cr?
yeah it makes sense what you say i tried something like that in csgo to win like 60% and the enemies started to get easier after few matches and i ranked up
before that i was trying so hard but it was almost impossible

Sorry, you’ve posted quite a lot of links so I don’t know which one you’re talking about now.

htt ps://
in that one idk if you know the csranks but it actually doesn’t matter the top team is much lower and the other teams rank is the highest possible
i noticed something there in cs this weird games happen if i perform very bad or good and then the next match is somthing like this

but what would that mean in soloshuffle? lose one whole match or rounds like 2/6 and then 4/6?

yeah happen yesterday to my warri was wondering why good to know

you will get 0/20 for 4-5 wins if u lost 2 shuffles in a row and dropped ur mmr to low

There might be other explanations, for example WoW’s matchmaking starts off at certain parameters that’s ± of your own MMR, and then expands gradually the more time you spend in the queue.
It’s hard to say what causes it without looking at everyone’s match histories and personal MMRs.

It’s very unclear how streaks affects the rating system in shuffle. Because it counts each round as a match in shuffle, and then it just shows the summaries of all the rating won and lost in the shuffle to players once it’s over (which has caused a lot of confusion for the player base), and because you can see your own CR and MMR is unchanged throughout the shuffle, it means it’s probably throwing both the “streaks” of the rounds you lost, as well as the rounds you won, all at once when the shuffle ends.

So how those “streaks” affects the rating stability in shuffle’s rating system, is very unclear.

As mentioned in the paragraph above, it’s very unclear how it works in shuffle.

For the record though, I think this system is unviable for the shuffle game mode, and Blizzard needs to make some big changes.

Suggestion to fix the rating system in shuffle < That’s how I think they can fix the rating system used in shuffle.

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yeah i start to understand thank you and sorry for the first posts xD i started to build my own explanations for all this things without reading about it

do you know how it is in csgo? rounds or matches? it has to be the same like in soloshuffle right? blizzard has to make it like csgo?

yes i think your right its way to fast if you perform to good for few matches and check the players in the match you only have glad and very good players
idk if im right but i see the problem in the matches where you are tested why do you lose cr in this matches at all? i mean your personal mmr is much higher then your cr should your cr not be protected in these matches?

sou if you perform few times very good and your personal mmr rise you get much beter enemies but lose all matches there you are punished for that last match and are even lower after that

Thing is, I don’t know what CS:GO have set as parameters, like what it counts as wins and losses and so on, or if it only counts it as 1 win after winning a match with lots of rounds having been played in that match, or as 1 loss when losing the match as a whole despite lots of rounds lost.

But as I mentioned earlier, Blizzard have continued to develop their adaption of the Glicko systems ever since they implemented it at the start of the WotLK expansion, and I’m pretty sure Valve has continued to developed their own adaptions of it, for games like dota2, cs:go and so on.

So I doubt they use the exact same iterations of rating systems, it’s more like they’re just using the same original base for their individual adaptions.