Solo shuffle rating points when a bad healer leaves

Yersterday i did 6 matches od solo shuffle.

3 were complete of 6 rounds, but the other 3 were with 3 bad healers that leaves.
1° match, I had 3 first round with the bad healer all loose, the 4° was a win and then the healer leaves (4 rounds loose) . I lost 48 cr
2° match, I had 3 first round with the bad healer all loose, the 4° and 5° were a win and then the healer leaves (5 rounds loose) . I lost 32 cr
3° match, I had 3 first round with the bad healer all loose, the 4° was a win and then the healer leaves (4 rounds loose) . I lost 54 cr

why should such a system be so penalizing?

Wouldn’t it be more correct to give 0 cr instead of removing it?

Because players asked blizzard to distribute rating if leaver leaves arena. They thought they would get insane ammount of rating for the wins, but they didnt think about the matches that you lose. It’s the same system as it was before, maby even more toxic, because now you cant play more matches in order to “fix” rating drops. But yeah that’s what happens when you make a mode for casuals i guess…

Except you see way less complaints about this system than about the leavers before this change. And the complaints about this system reeks of confirmation bias, while overlooking the opposite events when one does gain rating from it.

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Not really. Instead of posts regardin leavers, now we see people post about MMR. Before it was leaver fault, now its MMR fault.
Again, that’s what you get for catering casuals.

First you say that.

Then you say that.

Maybe you misinterpreted what I said? Exactly how many complaints about leavers do you see now, compared to before this change? Hm?

As I stated. You have trouble understanding again? We went through that part of the problem yesterday…
Edit: Yes you still see complaints about leavers, though the numbers are lower. However the numbers about MMR skyrocketed. Weird coincidence.

Oh look, so you admit it did make things better.

Which is a different problem and it was there before this change too, it’s just that now leavers aren’t pissing people off every other shuffle so naturally the focus shifts to the next problem.
People were talking about the rating system overall even before the leavers problem was reduced, but I guess you weren’t looking at those threads. Easy to miss what you don’t see. Or rather, what you choose not to see.

You mean how you think whataboutism is logically sound? Yeah, sure.

Previous solution was not good, where leaver loses CR but not MMR.
Current system is better but not great.

Solution is quite simple.

There is 1 option, but that could potentially lead to win trading.
It would be…when a leaver leaves, what ever rounds were won before, they stay intact and what ever rounds were left to be played, they are rewarded as wins to all remaining members and obviously leaver’s rounds get finalized as 0-6.

Second option would be to go back to old system of nullifying the lobby and only
penalizing leaver, but even harder so very few people leave.

You already don’t see many leavers now because you take MMR hit as well.
Just make it so that the penalty for leaving is soo dire, no one even thinks about it.

Current hit to CR and MMR is fine, but on subsequent leaves, make it even higher.
Currently it’s like 150 CR and 200 MMR? Subsequent ones would be 250CR and 300MMR.

Also account wide “No-Show/Deserter”, first one is not soo harsh in case of genuine DC or system crash, but subsequent ones are exponentially longer, so you go from 10 minutes to 1 hour, 3 hours and to 9 hours etc.

If you make it so people will never think about leaving, for the very very rare times where someone does leave and the lobby is nullified, it won’t feel soo bad.

Problem before was, people were leaving left right and centre, that’s why when a lobby was ending early, it felt bad you got nothing for your wins, because it happened soo often.

I like most of the ideas.

Kind of ironic coming from the one being triggered, but sure.

It’s the thread you yourself referenced.

Where the reason you think I “don’t understand”, is because you think whataboutism is a logically sound argument and don’t even see the fallacy.

That’s really ironic coming from you.

Dissagreeing =/ being triggered. Well maby by your standards. :wink:

Nope. Off your meds?

Cya next time, when you have something actually relevant to say.

The amount of swearing, the shift in tone, the amount of ad hominems, if that’s how you normally are, then nothing more needs to be said.

And it’s hilarious how you still think whataboutism is logically sound. :rofl:

Have a f***ing wonderful day.

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