Solo Shuffle Update -- 17 December

I appreciate the fast response to the issues currently. But there is no ETA… at all. This could come in 10.5 or 10.1 even? I mean, or in 2 weeks maybe?

You guys have to understand, people gonna unsub because of this, just like I did. Because the queue times are just way too long for a good and fun experience. And if you guys tell me these fixes won’t come out until 10.1 for example, then I am not gonna re-sub until then. I am not gonna waste my money and time for 40+ minutes queue times. Sorry.

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Will we get credit towards vicious mounts if someone leaves and we have already won 3 rounds with the new changes?

CC yes, burst kinda no

The queue times will remain long. Healer simply won’t ever be as popular as dps and the fact that we have a very volatile meta doesn’t help.

And no, a 2v2 or 3v3 pure dps queue is not a competitive solution. There are a lot of dps classes who do not work in that scenario, nor would those incredibly short games be a very good indicator of a player’s skill.


what about the bad game performance,mainly stutters and slowdowns even on high end pcs?

You should have time to react and not have someone die before next GCD becomes available. Burst needs to go down.

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In arena or main city?
I am on a mid range laptop and my instanced games were completely fine

Acceptable if overall healing is nerfed as well, make the reaction window longer but not so much on game length

In a perfect world then all bursts would be tuned down, both for dpsers and healing cds, and sustained increased to compensate. Danger is a vital part of PvP so it doesn’t drag on for a long time, as you said, but putting it all into bursts is just bad gameplay design.

The upcoming changes this reset and the .5 patch seems to be favoring sustained over bursts at least, so it’ll be interesting to see what it’ll look like. MM hunters are getting screwed in PvP though.

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At least they are doing more balance stuff than in SL. Still i think some changes are to much.

For demo especially, i want Soul Strike and Demonic Strength off the gcd and los from the pet. Now they double nerfed it with the silence effect on them…

Add more cosmetic rewards. Mounts, tabards, illusions, banners, transmog. Any/all of those would surely get healers queueing.

This is clearly the problem: incentive. There isn’t enough of it.

I have now queued 3 games whereby I should have had a rating increase, but instead got 0. The queues are around 30min. I am not sure how I am supposed to climb rating. Surely this is not working as intended?
Image attached

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in what world is OK to match bronze players with 0 CR vs Plat or even diamon players 1.9cr+ let me tell u why healers are not quing cuz DH FURY SP DEMO LOCK ROGUE and MONK its not ok just to press W and win ur balancing is dog and ur mmr system is dog :slight_smile:

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ah YES! nerf evoker healer! this will really improve my queue times :), like i really don’t give a if a healer is overtuned or not, atleast it will make more people play the damn role

solid combatant logic right here

The queues are infuriating, the scoring system even more so. This is a complete SH*T show, please sort this bollocks out

indeed a guy with same rating in soloshuffle as me and won 3 out of 6 just like me gained 78 points while i gained 0


Lmao wtf is this pic, is this a real thing or some photshop?

It’s freaking hilarious :rofl:

what? Solo suffle is oversaturated with rank 1 glads and glads that struggle at 1800 rating. It’s a totally different game. Even now, the amount of 2.4k in solo suffle is barely 100 people throughout the entirety of the EU.


My suggestions to reduce Q times for dps;

A) An extra weekly pvp quest - play/win x number of SS rounds as healer - honor/conquest reward from this quest is a BoA token.
B) If play healer spec ilvl scales to honor gear equivalent. (may just increase lower MMR participation though).

C) Extra Options for DPS Qs - in which you could opt in to also Q for;
Triple DPS
Tank x2DPS vs Tank x2DPS
x4 hybrid with 2x dps (non-hybrid rotates as healer would normally)