Not really a good analogy. Science is constantly debated and updated with new information that disproves previously well-established but ultimately innacurate ideas.
it’s a part of the whole set of alteration, and I talk about it as such. For now rearranges thing, omits a few, and overall has far fewer details.
Although I have a certain dislike for the tone about the original chart, placed in the Grimoir. Feels like very ego-ish commentary from the authors.
But it’s just the way I react to it.
gl hf
Why exactly should I buy this book if it will be retconned minutes after you hold it in your hands?
Well if you perceive it that way and don’t really agree with the premise, then obviously you shouldn’t buy the book.
“As we well know, beings of her origin cannot, under any circumstances, be trusted.”
Refering to Elune
I wonder what’s up with that
Well ain’t that great. Not only do trolls have their own afterlife, they even had their own personal hell. Truly, I feel special
Good question. With the current state of the lore they could as well stick to fairytale books. Or we to our own headcanon.
Well, given the current bailout writer card is “Everything comes from unreliable narrators” nobody can or will be able to refute any claim you make.
Because, well, nothing is confirmed.
Be warned, Sargeras was in fact Santa in disguise. And you can’t proof otherwise.
I think the big brain theory – though very loose and missing a lot of pieces – is that Elune originates from Revendreth. That was her realm when she still was part of the Shadowlands. And all these nocturnal beings with flappy bat wings and pointy ears are of her origin.
And these untrusted beings that the broker in the Grimoire refers to is likely the Nathrezim.
They are known to be cunning and manipulative and untrustworthy.
And even though we’ve learned in the Enemy Infiltration book that the Nathrezim have been sired by Sire Denathrius, then there’s some reason to believe that Sire Denathrius is himself of Elune and that he has merely inherited her role after she departed.
When we defeat Sire Denathrius the ending cinematic has Prince Renethal say to him that it is time he was reminded of Revendreth’s noble purpose. But Sire Dentharius doesn’t really strike you as someone who is the origin of that noble purpose the way that the Winterqueen clearly reflects the purpose of Ardenweald and Kyestra clearly reflects the purpose of Bastion. He seems more like a kid who has gotten the keys to the candy store from his dad and been told to run the business in his absence.
At the end of the day there is a rather uncanny similarity in features between the Night Elves, Sire Denathrius, the Nathrezim, the Venthyr, the Stoneborn, and so on. As if they have something in common.
But it’s loose speculation at this point, albeit the breadcrumbs from Blizzard does perhaps feed into it a tiny bit.
Just to keep things together, I think it might be usefull to add other images available from the amazon preview:
gl hf
They really need to slow down about the cosmic forces and sylvanas and their mysterys, because this is getting stupid and uninteresting.
Lore aside, there is much bigger issue with this book. The art! Most of it looks as if they simply grabbed all concept art sketches they had on harddrives and copy+paste them onto the pages.
Shame there are so few original images made for the book. Specially since Blizzard always hired some talented artists to draw and design things for them. And the few original pices they bothered doing look great.
As for lore changes, nihil novum sub sole. Just Blizzard streching and changing lore to suit their current ideas and direction. They’ve been doing it since WarCraft III, I dont see reason to get bothered by it now all of sudden.
Also, when Chronicles came out a lot of people were angry that it took away the mystery of the WarCraft universe. Now they are trying to bring some of that mystery back and again a lot of people are angry. If anything I’m getting a feeling that since at least Legion they are trying hard to appease fans but it brings opposite resaults.
I must say at this point I am extremely tired of “lore books” being written from the perspective of unreliable narrators.
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