Got Mortanis’s ribcage dropped from the WQ this morning, following on from Everchill Brambles out of the Darkreach supplies chest yesterday, made me smile anyway
i got a gift from blizzard today a mount .
Lol didnt even notice it, I had to redeem it from launcher
Welcome to the Maw Mount Club.
Twisting corridor floor 18 layer one completed, final boss the Patrician. Not a great boast, but at 196ilvl, soloing it (third attempt, it takes me 3.5hours) with only 2 deaths did cheer me up. Think it’ll be a while before I get the mount though
Happened yesterday but…while leveling i got Rivendare’s deathcharger
Making a guy log off for the day because of his bad transmog.
Got a descent vault upgrade…does that count?
Wow, the dedicated follower of fashion - I can’t see yours though - aren’t we allowed to see you in your gorgeous finery?
I’m just sharing something that made me happy.
Follow the trend and share something yourself.
I did already today, twice.
Fair play.
there were a bunch of people walking in line with their frogs around the big shiny pillar. reminds me of the old ol mount parades.
It wasn’t wow but the pokemon direct. Best pokemon direct in like 10 years !
No nothing at all.
Making a new vulpera alt and going Awwwh all over again.
Clearing Mort’regar layer 8 (warden of souls end boss) despite dying 3 times on floor 1 (the grapple hook platforms) and twice on floor 5. My least fave Torghast layer, and now I never have to go there unless it’s part of TC
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