Spells that should be baseline

Leader of the Pack.

Ah yes i remember entire bgs getting lost because everyone get dazed as 1 random hunter did not turn of aspect of the pack

Leader of the Pack was Feral druid ability that granted %crit and heal when crit. :wink:

You’re probably refering to Aspect of the Pack.

Just make all of them baseline, like it used to be.

These talent “choices” are choices of a robbed person who can return either his wallet or his wristwatch.

ah right forgot about that druid skill as i only ever really blayed balance, atleast i got the "of the pack"part right xD

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This or atleast something like removing one talent from each row and add it between the existing ones, so that you for example get 1 talent with lvl 10(25/40/…) and with lvl 15(30/45/…) you can choose between the 2 remaining.

3 options per row sound nice except that classes seem to be balanced around the strongest talents, while the weaker talents very rarely see some changes and often are never chosen for the whole expansion. When your class/spec with the best build doesn’t belong to the stronger ones for a raid tier, most people feel like they don’t really have a choice.

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Phoenix flames and ebonbolt

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IFTFY. Now it sounds more accurate :smiley:

Elemental Blast

Shadow word death for spriests. Its so stupid its a talent now. Artifact stuff i can get why but shadowword death that has been baseline since forever like come pn


An interrupt.

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My blessings to be renamed back to Hands and in that avenue. Hand of Salvation and Hand of purity why did they ever remove Salvation beats me but prot really could use it’s utilitty back their not even dps spells not to mention seraphim not eating into my shield stacks and HOLY power for gods sake give me a resource.

Out of all those I am happy Deep Freeze got Yeetus Deletus out the window. But rip Eye of the beast and spectral guise

This is the one I was going to quote. I feel offended & annoyed that a pretty much essential spell is taking up a slot in my talents.


I agree with this.


I like your name :smiley:

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Yeah you’re not wrong actually, the others were fun utility/mobility spells. Deep freeze was just an OP stun :joy:
Frost mages were always at the top of the food chain when they had this.

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