Spice Bread Recipe

To be honest never heard of this, there was also no dragon naming rule when Chromie was created, i think its just pure coincidence, otherwise we would have known this long ago. It doesnt help that in HotS, she clearly states she is female and that we shouldnt judge just by name.

I think you missed the point that Pelagos is very unlikeable character, i suppose you havent done the story.

I understand what was their point, to show the sharing of power. However, it was horribly written, in whole chapter we learn nothing of how it was done or how we could help Tyrande, we only chase after his mate and he repeats endlessly how he loves him, with finale making them kiss (similar to equally awful Valsharah story), all of this was so disconnected from main story it was completely pointless chapter. Not to mention these 2 characters dont even do anything else or say anything after.

Doesnt really make much sense, considering WoW has quite a lot of LGBT characters now (similar % as in real life). If we go for equality and inclusion, then we should also have some as bad characters. Could easily make good fitting story about it too.


I agree with the last part, it’s iffy because of where it can be shown that their gayness is responsible for their “bad behaviour” which obviously is not on, and in the past where sinister characters were revealed to be such, it was often alluded to that part of their badness was resultant from that, betraying the prejudices of the time.

I don’t think it should be shyed away from entirely however, because if we want a natural LGBT presence in a game, it makes sense that some of the bad people are LGBT too, it just has to be done in a way like how evil straight people are, where their sexuality has nothing to do with their evil, it’s just an “additional fact”.

In my headcanon. Kil’Jaeden is gay or at the very least bisexual. I’m not buying the line that his passion and obsession with Velen was purely platonic. It could have been, and I get why it is shown that way else it makes it look like his gayness “caused” his rampage or whatever, but in my head, it would fit, but I get why blizzard (even if they did imagine it that way) won’t declare it, because then his “gayness” would be to blame partially which is iffy.

So in my headcanon it remains. I just don’t see Velen as the “family man” we’re led to believe. I’d like to think it was a complex situation where he had his family but he also loved KJ (and vice versa) but couldn’t return it freely due to his family obligations and his position.

Well, it hardly matters. Probably a third of all the female characters are played by males.

Is more like 90%

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I’ve been wondering, when did Blizzard get so obsessed with Chromie?

I mean, there’s been a few quests, from time to time, where she shows up, but at some point she became much more prevalent than she was before. And the entire “Timelord” grind didn’t make me enjoy her character, or her voice for that matter, more.

I don’t mind lore characters showing up again, from time to time, handing us quests or similar, but Chromie is so insanely omnipresent, it hurts my ears. And the fact that she was for quite some time very strong in hots doesn’t help her case whatsoever.

I thought our entire obsession with dragons was over after cata

If that was about the Legion scenario, it made me hate her.

Ah but here’s the thing. Were they explicitly mentioned as straight? Because people who are bi are often seen as straight as well. Not sure what I’m supposed to give examples of, you can read the posts on wowhead or twitter if you want examples of people saying these things.

This is my point exactly. Why should them being gay be part of the story? Can’t they just be gay or trans? Also I don’t hate Pelagos, and considering he’s voice by a trans voice actor makes it even better.

I’m all for it. Start with Sire Denathrius.

So you’re straight voicing out opinions about gay and trans inclusion that do not concern you nor affect you in any way, while it negatively impacts other people?

Sounds like you’re very much contradicting yourself now. You want others to be happy, but it shouldn’t go against your own interests while you’re voicing out negativity about gay and trans characters being included, as they do not live up to your standards of lore.

Okay but you’re not trans, so you don’t really get a say in this. Trans people are loving this so you’re contradicting yourself in the way I described above.

The Night Fae campaign was all over the place, the chaos kinda ruined it for me.

I have known this for many years. But somehow it’s only now being revealed? Weird. Did i just make it up? I was under the impression this was common knowledge
 or at the very least known previously.

Yeah let’s leave it out of the game.

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Blizzard has added it to the game already, so I guess you’re out of luck :blush:


I wouldnt be surprised if he was honestly, but i think Eternal Ones dont care about such mortal things.


Who says he isn’t? Do you know who he’s slept with before we killed him?

I feel like it’s a fair bit more difficult to “casually bring up” a villains sexuality, even more so than a heros. And let’s be real, Blizzard is already pretty bad at “casually bringing up” characters sexualities for characters where it should be at worst intermediate difficulty. Now you ask of them to make villains LGBT, which is a lot more difficult to write? Because let’s be real, how would we know?

We’ve met Denathrius roughly three days ago. Most of our interactions were about him stealing anima and indirectly murdering his subjects. I feel like the “Oh by the way, I like guys!” talk is kind of out of the question.

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Even if they did it, then someone on the forums would accuse them that we later killed him because he was gay.


Since I’m playing the game, then it does concern me what happens to it. So I will of course voice my opinion on anything regarding it, regardless of whether it’s something I’m affected by directly or indirectly.

That’s not a very good summary, but maybe I haven’t communicated my viewpoint very well.

Yeah I want others to be happy playing WoW. Duh. Who doesn’t want that?

And I don’t some people’s idea of fun to be at the expense of other people’s fun, or my own.

I would like if WoW could have increased representation of diversity – as there is a demand for – in a manner that everyone thinks is cool.

And if someone thinks Blizzard are doing it in a way that isn’t cool, then I think they should say that so Blizzard can choose whether they want to adjust accordingly for the future. You know that whole feedback, iteration, and improvement loop. That whole jazz.

And I have not voiced out negativity about gay and trans characters being included because they do not live up to my standards of lore. By insinuating that you’re being downright nefarious and twisting my words to paint me as a villain, because there’s no way you could have reached that conclusion by what I have written above.
But again, what I have said, is that I think it’s perfectly fair to criticize Blizzard’s story writing on the parameters it fails on. And in the case of Garrosh Hellscream it can be character motivations and behaviors, and in the case of Thiernax and Kadarin it’s an excessive focus on their love for each other at the expense of the story’s focus – The Night Warrior.

How dare you insinuate who I am and what I am allowed to have a say in?! :rage:

I have stated my opinion in this thread and respectfully declined to invoke who I am in real life. That does not give you a free pass to then make assumptions about my gender or sexuality. And it certainly does not give you any authority to restrict what I am allowed to talk about on the WoW forums.

On these forums I am Jito and I can post my opinion and thoughts on anything I want so long as I abide by Blizzard’s Code of Conduct and Forum Guidelines.

So spare me that faux authority of yours. It is not befitting.


I just don’t feel like between the age rating of the game and the way the game plays that it should be something information wise we should or need to know

Blizzard will never be able to flesh them out as good as a single player game can.

A cross dresser then? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Cope & dilate

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The lore was always that Chromie was female and that Chronormu sounding male was simply mortals not understanding Dragon naming scheme.

It’s referenced multiple times all over Blizzard’s games to the point of outright saying it in Heroes of the Storm.

But, of course, the Blizzard we have today will never relinquish a chance to retcon something into being more “inclusive”. First it was the Stormwind humans suddenly no longer being predominately white, then it was the bad language of one of Warcraft’s biggest and most sinful villains being so bad it had to be removed, and now we finally arrive at retconning a character that specifically keeps insisting it was not born male to having been born male so we can have ourselves a trans character.

And let’s not forget that he sold me a collector’s edition with nothing but pins, the worst art book in Warcraft history, and a bunch of papers to unlock downloads. They couldn’t even be bothered to put in a behind-the-scenes DVD or a soundtrack CD into it. Not even a poster, or a coin, or a little statuette. And as he did so, he lectured me about social issues in America and inadvertently, despite best intentions (because black lives definitely do matter), ended up backing what has become a Socialist terror organisation.

And now we’re getting 9.1. A grand place that literally appeared out of thin air. There are literally no references to it in lore at all - NOT EVEN IN SHADOWLANDS.

I’m so tired of this


(Stolen from wowhead and I agree 100% I was just lazy to write)


What a load of waffle. The only reason it “makes sense” is because he gets confused by claiming that a name for females is the same as a female having a name.

A simple example: In Danish culture, Kim is a male name. In American culture, Kim is a female name, usually short for Kimberly.

So if a guy called Kim from Denmark goes to the US, and therefore there is a male named Kim in the US, does this suddenly mean that Kim is retroactively a male name in US culture? No. It does not.

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