*Spoiler* Guess what Sylvanas is dropping in the next raid?

Eventually everything is attractive if you spend enough time on the Sea… :eyes:
Except the corpse bride Sylvanas
She is creepy

You are all going to the Vault.

Great, maybe I’ll finally find a chest in there…

The Vault of the Wardens.

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With those hot Demon huntresses and captive Sayaad and Shivarra???
Where to sign up?

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Unfortunately only on private servers. Otherwise we’ll need to wait until classic catches up to Legion.

everyone rolling hunter in next patch :rofl:

They got freed during Legion I am afraid, they are on the Fel Hammer now.

I can equip two weapons, wear leather and even a blindfold…
Even have my own shadowmeld
Fel, I even have only one eye, so half way there!
Could be the first of the Vulpera Demon Hunters!

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You’ll have to wait. Murlocs got there first.

Using *channel language outside of *channel is an even bigger cringe than Sillyvanas, Aterlos. Its also pretty ironic that you who parrots words (beta/omega behavior) tries to diss the sillyvanas lovers in a very passive-aggressive manner.

my hunters are ready to farm YOUR KWEEEN!
for Teldrassil, for lovely nelfies!

Should have rolled a murloc!!!

yeah murloc are good in pvp they have small hitbox :rofl:

I was hoping she drops her soul to the depths of the maw but whatever.

Equip: Replace your Kill Shot with Wailing Arrow

So now they’re importing Heroes of the Storm abilities into the game?
In fact seems like they incorporated her entire kit into the boss fight.

I never called anyone a beta, and I diss Sylvanas lovers because she is a corpse and loving that is a no no.

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