You’re saying because you’ll hate the competition
Probably demon hunter for both if they follow the same degree of logic as past allied race options.
nevermind speculation ruined here’s their classes
Although I think it’s unlikely, it would be cool to see Vulpera “Sand Sages” who create beast forms from Sand and bone.
Shaman confirmed baby!
Mage is likely… Priest not so much and druid… Definitely not, that’s one mess Blizzard doesn’t want with players complaining about why Horde got another cool and unique race with druids.
Edit : Well I was wrong.
What damage has been done?
Definitely wasn’t expecting Warlock for either list but okay.
Warlock Vulpera thoughs sounds so… Unecessary c’mon.
Little foxes with green fire…
Zandalari don’t get warlock, but vulpera do? Why?
Logic is something that escapes them.
If vulpera gets monks, does that mean goblins will get monks too?
Will I get my Gun-Fu Goblins?
Looks like The Vulpera Kidnapped the purge squads and learned to use their weapons against them
“Look at me, I’m the purge squad now!”
It was our salvation… And you rejected it for heresy.
The name of every Purge Squad member will go down in history as “Most people rejected their message. They hated them because they told them the truth.”
Pairing a new race that’s been hyped since they got unveiled, with one that’s mostly just inspired outright revulsion seems like it’d be a bad idea.
Cuz. I get all sorts of body horror vibes from Mechagnomes.
Everyone mad about vulpera warlocks and I’m fistpumping because I can RP my crazy vulpera witch now without making a second mage.
I feel for my Zandabros though.
Cool motive, still a war crime
Also second degree humor.
I enjoyed this War crime.
Can’t wait to free Azshara in the raid, and then watch her show up once N’zoth is defeated and go AZEROTH IS FREE
I don’t like this timeline