[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Surround links with backticks `link text`, please. So that link will be rendered as:


Otherwise people have to remove spaces from it, which is annoying.


I was a bit weirded out how the “unholy flames” trickle out from the corner of DK eyes, and personally would have preferred a more vertical flame from the center of the eye socket… But then I noticed on the PTR feedback forums that the flame effect remains when your character’s eyes are closed. In that case, the current effect does make more sense (and I guess it is closer to Lich King effect this way).

Great! Does that mean we can finally stash the ridiculous thing with the other memorabilia in the bank, and never use it again? :smiley:

Free of the old gods

Guess we really are just way better than the titans aren’t we? Sargeras should’ve just recruited 5 teenagers with attitude for his burning crusade, he’d have been done in a week.


Nah, the victory would have been time-gated.


Starting to notice that the player character/s might be a teeny tiny bit of an overpowered selfinsert, are we?

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We’re all an Army of Med’an.

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January 15th, folks! :fox_face:



Have the heart! :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

Oh boy, need to finish Mechagon rep.

I need to get my AV-ram!

AAHHHHHHH SCREECHES!!!!one!1!1!1!!!11!!!oneone!

just do a couple of korrak’s a day.

I knoa.

But for some reason I just can’t get myself to waste my time on that.

Everything else is fine, but that is apparently where I draw the line… >_>

Bah, one week later than I hoped.

I need my DKs now, mooooom.

Still before War3 Reforged xD

then… don’t get the ram?


I got the wolf twice, 2nd time was from just leveling Kabala.


I’ve got it a few times from leveling people.
Just do the dailies and leave if you hate it.

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It can be done on lowbie characters; so if you have a level 60+ alt in need of some experience… well.

This is the way.


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