[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Would it be wishful thinking if we might get PvP vendors in 8.3?


As promised, 8.3 will start hinting towards the removal of Void Elves in 9.0.

Looking forward to it (sorry Coldshade)

I could understand it from Tyrande and Malfurion, even if it was cringey as feck! Atleast they are two living creatures with feelings and shizzle.

But from 2 walking corpses? With one of them being manipulative as feck and the other just being a plain abusive a-hole? Its even worse then cringey

Please yes! For the love of Elune remove those suckers, replace them with proper High Elves tho! :smiley:

And for the love of Elune, please add Vulpera, then all the Furries will go to the Horde-side and the good Worgen RPers can stay behind! :stuck_out_tongue:

Better yet, remove all elves.


This didn’t work when you were a goblin, not as an undead. Why do you think it’ll be any different this time?


Because you wont see me.

Blizz’s definitions are lame and done for the sake of impact. Needless to say, it’s bad.

“We will bring a savage end to our enemies”, “the glory of infinite hunger”; you don’t apply glory to hunger, you don’t need to use adjectives like “savage end”, it’s just awful to read. Quotes like these tell the level of thought behind their dialogues sometimes.

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noooo characters can’t express affection for each other nooooo

“I can’t believe Nathanos didn’t kiss my feet as I walked. What an abuser!” - actual player’s thoughts.

Y’all need to read Nathanos’ dialogue+quest text better, 'cos he’s actually pretty supportive and encouraging of the player. He doesn’t coddle or baby but he does give praise+thanks where it’s due.

I think it’s great that they finally trust the Loyalist enough to show a vulnerable side in front of them personally.


Well, the adventurer did save the world a dozen of times by now.

I personally find Nathanos a bit simplified as a character. He could have been interesting, but was instead written off as predictable.

A bit of a misrepresentation here. The grief isn’t that Nathanos isn’t kissing our rears, but that he’s an insufferable c***, definitely to anyone and everyone aside from his Undead Waifu. It’s very one dimensional and does make interactions with him… Frankly annoying and teeth gritting.


that’s how it starts. first they show affection in front of you, then they test your loyalty by asking you to swing with them at 8pm on a Friday when your loyalist butt is just trying to watch real housewives of bilgewater

Ion called me and told me that 8.3 is the epilogue patch. There’s gonna be a small non-story related raid (Onyxia) and a small 3-quest storyline, timegated over 3 months, that’s gonna end up with a small in-game rendered cinematic where we sacrifice our Heart of Azeroth necklace for no real reason at all.

Also, once you complete the questline you’ll be eligible to purchase Vulpera / Clockwork gnomes from the gamestore.
They’ll be available in a cool bundle where you get both allied races AND the pig + six months of gametime (great value tbh).




Nathanos throughout BfA has made it clear to the Champion that your skills are valued, hopes that you continue to perform, and praises you for jobs well done.

He’s blunt and abrasive but you’re absolutely wrong.

Also he hates birds just like the Darkspear do which shows how multiculturally sensitive he is.

god it’s everything I wanted and more


As a tool for their plans.

Doesn’t take away that you’re just a tool for them in their pragmatic mind. If you die, they’ll just raise you or find someone else.

Perspective I guess.

Oh I guess when Anduin says it he’s just buttering you up as a tool too then right?

Definitely can’t be that you’re actually valued and the latest loyalist cutscene lends credence to that. Noooo.

lol where’s the downside tho

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We’ll turn into you.

Yes. Your point being…?

You’re still valued as a tool… A potent one that can do their bidding with great efficiency (within the setting.).

As I said above. Perspective.

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So every NPC is just fake being nice. Why you focusing on Nathanos?


Of course he only values you as a tool for their plans, hes a military leader, not your mother.

You see those Warriors from Vol’dun, they’ve got curved swords. Curved. Swords.

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The mindset of ‘any character that isn’t sunshine and rainbows to me needs to be purged and deserves no positive experiences’ is an awful one indeed. Hope that people will grow out of that children’s cartoons psyche sometime soon : )