[Spoilers] The big hint at the end of the "Return to Lordaeron" questline

Playing a role in the Alliance and not in the Horde.
Before this patch she wasn’t part of the Forsaken or the Horde. She had a forgettable short introduction and nothing more.
Meanwhile she has ties to Jaina, Anduin, doing stuff with the Alliance etc.


She didn’t, though. That’s the fun thing, she really doesn’t have any qualifications. Yes, she was born a princess, but they chose to double down on her being totally clueless on any matters of rule, because she was just daddy’s girl, until she eloped with a soldier. After she lost her family she was picked up by the undead Faol, and trained as a priestess, no closer to politics than before. And it was after Legion that she approached the Alliance… to organize a neutral meeting between dead and living lordaeronians.

So no, she was no more of an representative of the Alliance because she was a human than she represents the Forsaken because she is undead.


You know,
If You want me gone from Azeroth, that is a violation of that Social Contract that was introduced this patch.
And if You want me gone from Real world then it’s preety much a criminal threat so it’s either reportable to police, or i can defend myself and seeing your posture on that videos that won’t be much of a problem.

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