Spriest LF Guild Draenor


Recently my guild was suffering from roster issues and raiding was called for this season. Since than a lot of core members left and so i as well am looking for a new guild.

Currently sitting at 414 Ilvl, have 2/8M progress and 2450io. IGN is Colpire.

I’m looking for a guild with similar or better progress. I do weekly keys on some alts so a guild that does high keys as well as lower alt keys would be nice but not necessary.

I’m available on Monday trough Thursday and on Sunday’s.

I’m not looking to change servers since all my all my IRL friends are on Draenor.

If you think i would be a good fit to your guild feel free to contact me on Discord: Boeszz
#7182 or in game: boeszz#2924

Added you on Discord if you’re interested. We are still looking for a S-priest.

Hello there!

I’m currently recruiting ranged dps to finalize the vacant spots in our mythic raiding roster.
Current Prog 1/8M 4% on Council
Raid days:
Wed+Sun 19:30-22:30 Progression days
Mon Re-clear/optional raiding day 19:30-22:30

We’re running with a semi-hardcore group, but a lot of the members are new to mythic raiding so we’re currently building experience for future content. I.e. the goal with mythic is to reach as far as we can handle.
We’ve got a few members on cross-faction/server, which has worked out great! Tho might be an issue in the future patches, depending on Hall of Fame rates in coming raids!

Contact me on discord if you wanna have an actual chat and see if we can help each other out!
Discord: Reptution#9481